sometimes the messages get crossed and I forget which was in front of the other. I have been in and out the last 3 days as I had a water heater break and trying to contain the damage. I did see Lynn's post, but I think it was after this comment. And my Mom is good, we went to the movies yesterday and looking forward to Sunday dinner tomorrow :).. And yes, I'm happy to see my real friend Brian anytime! :D
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Hey And Thank you my brother. And yes to mr you are a brother in arms. If you read my last blog and can guide me on withdraw as I need meds badly and our bank card was skimmed here and the account I can access is empty lol. Please advise if you know anyone or if you know how to withdraw. Thanks and hope I am noe being a pest just stuck
I will check it out and see who I know that can do it... We will get you taken care of! How much were you planning on withdrawing so that I can ask around?
i was thinking I have 50 sbd in savings and i think its worth about 150 externally right
yes... ok I will see what I can do... do you have access to paypal or a us bank?
paypal acct yes. I believe still valid but can open one if needed
check and make sure on the paypal account... if that works it will be the easiest way.
yes and its all good
my go fund ended a bit short and I need meds to help with the seizures