Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)
Coral honeysuckle, a North American native vine that hummingbirds LOVE. Native Distribution: S. Maine to Florida and east Texas; scattered inland to Illinois. Introduced in eastern Canada.
Coral honeysuckle blooms all summer and makes a great replacement for the horrendously invasive (in North America) Asian import, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica).
Coral honeysuckle info:
Japanese honeysuckle info:
Invasive Plants: If you're not familiar with the problems associated with introduced invasive plants in the natural areas of our planet, here are a couple of good introductions (below) These articles are from the North American (Specifically, United States) perspective, but the issue is certainly not limited to this continent. and
This is my contribution to #ColorChallenge #MondayRed by @kalemandra.