I wish you could smell it! (yellow)

If you like coffee, you should hear about Luwak...My friend asked me to make photos for his site. Here are couple of them:
What sort do you prefer? Let me know (by comments and upvoting) if you're interested - I want to travel someday to plantation and filmed wild civet ; ) (I have several photos of civet, but it's in a cage, I don't want to share those pics. wild animals should live free)
added some colors :


Gear: sony a6500, sigma30mmf1.4
I appreciate any adequate critique and upvotes. Follow me to see other photo and video content made with camera, hands, and desire to make an art.

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This is awesome, my only critique I can give is the models tattoo, generally try keep tattoos out of shot unless they are there for a reason. In the film industry we make all extras cover there tattoos in most shoots for this reason. :) Mind having a look at my color challenge and giving me some critique. None the less a great post and upvoted! I look forward to seeing more great content like this from your blog :)

Thanks! Will use that advice! (the same with brand labels - I use a tape to hide them)

nice shot

follow and upvoted me @klen.civil

Have you watched the movie "Bucket List"? Jack Nicholson's relationship with "kopi luvak" wath pretty hilarious there :)

Haven't watched, but have to after your comment, thanks! )

This looks really sick! Really beautiful and perfect for the colorchallenge today. 😉

Appreciate your kind words )

that flower! I remember that when I came to Bali it seems for me like magic - it's was my dream hold it in my arms, feel there fragrance... may be it's strange but I really missed it.