It's amazing how much kids like buckets!
immersed in buckets with only their heads sticking out!
It doesn't seem to matter if the bucket is empty or not.
It's like there is a call from the bucket for those little bodies to get in!
At the @gardenofeden, I have taken dozens of pictures of small children
Is there anything like this that adults do?
Do we feel called to climb into a box?
Curl up in a 55 gallon barrel?
Sit in a sheet draped fort under table or a maze of chairs?
How about hiding behind the curtains or
crawling behind the couch?
Maybe we have already figured out our body size
and spacial relationship with things
so we are no longer intrigued.
Or perhaps we have simply lost that lighthearted connection
that just calls to experience life in different realities,
experimenting with the feeling of full-on immersion in our environment,
or the enjoyment of unusual perspectives?
Many of us have forgotten how to play,
how to make change from our everyday experience
and engage a different reality.
Many of us continue our lives with the same perspectives,
never really feeling the joys of a whole new world,
or exploring the possibilities of uncommon circumstance.
Go curl up in a barrel, and share with me your experience!
I took the "Bucket Baby" photo through this green bottle
and the screen of my kitchen window.
I hope to encourage you to dance the rainbow with @kalemandra:
MONDAY - red
TUESDAY - orange
WEDNESDAY - yellow
THURSDAY - green
FRIDAY - sky blue
SATURDAY - indigo
SUNDAY - purple
Well... I gotta go... If you need me, I'll be in that there oil drum over there...
Hehehehehe----I'll come by an take your photograph!
oh my gosh! Thank you so much for the memories, growing up we didn't have a pool and in the hot summer time, we would fill up garbage cans (yes we would wash them out first lol) and we would play in them. I probably played in them as a toddler as well, just don't remember that far back. haha, anyways, enjoyed your post! :)
What a fun thing to remember @mrchef111! It's great how you made do with what you had and created for yourselves a fun way to play that was out of the ordinary. Thank you for sharing that sweet memory. I enjoyed your comment!
Well thank you and you are welcome! Growing up in the 80's in the Bay Area with a Dad that was a teacher, we didn't have a lot of money. But we managed. Lots of water balloon fights, garbage can pools, etc. My friends did have a pool down the street, which was nice. :)
Nostalgic childhood memories are the best!!! It's fun to relive moments with great pleasure. Glad you had so much to be grateful for @mrchef111.
Yes they really are, and thank you!
Loving this post. YES!!! My kids always loved a bucket or the sink for their baths. More than the roomy baby baths. And especially with very small babies, the connection is stronger because you have to hold onto them more. I used to love it and hate it when they outgrew their buckets :) The first milestone: from bucket to tub....I roll myself up in my blanket like a sausage when I go to sleep, taking my youngest with me lol. Does that count? 😊
I know that feeling of them outgrowing their baby baths.
Yes!!!!....rolling up like sausage for sleeping really does count!!!! And a double filling is the BEST!!!! LOVE THAT! Thanks for sharing @misslasvegas!
Unsere kleine Tochter sucht sich auch immer die unmöglichsten Verstecke an :-).
Erich Kästner hat mal gesagt: "Die meisten Menschen legen ihre Kindheit ab wie einen alten Hut. Sie vergessen sie wie eine Telefonnummer, die nicht mehr gilt. Früher waren sie Kinder, dann wurden sie Erwachsene, aber was sind sie nun? Nur wer erwachsen wird und ein Kind bleibt, ist ein Mensch." Liebe Grüsse
It's amazing how out of touch we become once we become "adults". We often lose our sense of wonder and the true essence of being exchange for making ends meet in the doldrums! I appreciate your comment @oceanpris.
Thanks for the translation @everlove :-). Sorry, next time I will comment in English :-).
No problem. Google translate does an ok job...not primo, but ok. Thanks for the comment!!!!!
Kids are pure Angels, all like to be in bullet or any shape where they can fit in be it Cupboards, shelves, or play with water, just a life full of innocence and no fear
What a dream, right? Ohhhh, to live life through the eyes of a child!
Yea, eyes of beholder, i hv put a video of my Motherland too, do see it, its beautiful
Wow! That was awesome. Really a beautiful place. Thank you for not keeping it all to yourself. Everyone can use a little dose of Paradise now and then. I appreciate your efforts to bring this to Steemit @tasauver.
How about hiding behind the curtains or
crawling behind the couch? I always did this when I was a kid. I really miss those days. It was loads of fun
Good for you having had those joys of childhood. Those were magical times....I wonder when we grew out of them!
We were toting water here in the Philippines for the first year we were here. We had two 30 gallons plastic garbage cans with a lid. Our son when he was about 1 1/2 years old, would always want dad to give him a bath. What the rest didn’t know, after I got him clean, I would put him in one of the full barrels of water and left him play, while I watched him very closely. Now he is past 4 and he still prefers Dad at bath time.
Nice effect with the photos!
Good for you for letting him play and discover how fun it is to engage life with such enjoyment.It seems he already has some fond memories that he cares to repeat with his Dad. What a blessing!
Thanks for the comment @mhm-philippines. I appreciate your appreciation of my photo.
Our problem is that we are being carried away with our daily activities and the challenges we encounter on a daily basis. We concentrate more on our weaknesses which will never allow changes in our life. We tend to do the same activities for years without evaluating our steps which will give room for changes. We can leave a better and happier life if we evaluate ourselves
I completely agree with that @tabithaa. Getting caught in the mundane daily grind leaves little to no time for progressive activation of a new, expansive reality. We must be conscious to engage the moment and make new choices every moment along the way. I appreciate your comment.
Those children would be amazed with the type of being you are when the see those pictures in few years time... You always shock us with something amazing.
And they will amaze me at the type of beings they become, and how once I was honored to capture their essence. Grateful to share such juiciness wtih you @olamilekan21
Grateful to be here always. Always getting quality for my time.. 😍😍😍
Awesome way to look at it @olamilekan21. Always upgrading your experience.
Yea, I am seeing the world from another perspective
exactly I want to appreciate more than my words. very the last pict make me very delighted. you took the photo with using that very simple thing to set other color of the object. this is very unique. this is so inspiring. weldone @everlove.
Thank you @rikaz98 I'm always seeing things through reflections, shadows, layers and textures. And I'm blessed to have my camera close at hand in some of these instances. I've often thought how cool it would be to have a camera lens attached to my eye so I could truly share what it is I see. I truly appreciate your appreciation.
You have been doing well event though without sticky camera on eyes, @everlove. thanks for your kindness.
Hahaha--grateful to share what I can.
Itu untuk mengingat kita masa lalu.. Dimana nantu kalau kita sudah jai orang hebat, jangan sombong, dan jangan angkuh ingat lah masa kecil kita disaat masih duduk dalam ember. Terima kasih.
A great opportunity to remember for certain. Tapping back into the moment in presence will help us come back to that mindset of discovery. Thank you for the comment @arie78.
hello, greetings from venezuela, this is very cool your publication.
Thank you @betaniaj.
Kids are so curious about life and their surroundings and we adults need the new curiosity about life and our surrounding too.
That would be ideal @hanamana. Lest we forget the magnificence!
Ur captures are really good
Thanks for your appreciation @mnishh.
Nice post
Children love to play too much. It's been a lot of time to go to the game where they go after the dangers like this picture of yours. In this case, the abusers should be more aware. Even though the kids will do it, this is normal. Seeing this picture, I remember my little boy. I also went after a day in this way. Of course it was not a bucket, there was something else.
I'm not sure I understand your comment @aarbi. Could you please clarify?
Childhood life is the best life anybody can have. No worries, no pains,no grudgings, no enemies. I love children. I have seen a lot of them in buckets too, I don't know the connection between them and buckets... Smile
Ideally that is true about the children. If they could not be coerced or limited by the jaded adults that surround them, we would be seeing an entirely different sort of society than what we have right now. We must question ourselves and pay great attention to what it is we are passing down.
Perhaps it would be wise if we all climbed into a bucket and took the opportunity to experience life from a different perspective.
That is just the simple truth all parents and aspiring parents should understand stand. If children are allowed to express themselves, we will definitely have a better society.
The way children refer to other children used to amazed me.
I went out with one my uncle's children one day, after like five minutes the boy was already feeling at home. When it was time for us to go home, he asked me when I would bring him to his friends so that they can have time together again. Friend! In just five minutes? Smile.
That's children, adults would never do that. We have so much to learn from them.
Those children in the garden are so lucky to have someone like you around them.
Isn't that the truth!!! Adults are so caught up in ideas and fears and judgments. Life could be simple and abundant and enjoyable, we are all just making it harder than it has to be! Hanging out with kids is the greatest gift we can receive. Many parents can't wait until their kids are in school all day so they can do what they want---which becomes very apparent during the summer months when they don't know what to do with their kids being off school. So sad. Well anyway, I'm going to receive the blessing and engage them as much as possible. They truly are the sunshine in my day.