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RE: 📷 Green Tomatoes

in #colorchallenge6 years ago (edited)

you must be in Natal somewhere? Agreed, it is the same with all wildlife and forest, the human virus takes and takes, destroys and gives nothing back.
My grandfather built his house in Chakas Rock, back when his was one of about 10 properties being developed back then ('80s)
Being a farmer his whole adult life, he had no patience for vervet monkeys...
He had pawpaw trees in his garden in Chakas Rock, and one day he saw a couple of vervets picking the fruit. He stormed off, got his double barrelled shot gun from the safe and shot them dead!!
I was shocked, my gran almost had a heart attack and the builders on the plot next door had monkey for dinner.


Yup, south coast, this is getting worse as the years move on. Holiday resorts now fine you if you don't close windows when you go out, we never had invasions before, not up nor down in coastal villages, they are breeding into enormous troops.

I love animals, don't get me wrong, breeding at this rate soon nothing will remain for small antelope, porcupines, birds. Urgently need some leopards on the prowl again, sadly they would turn their noses up at the accommodation on offer.

Your grand father must have been super angry, sounds like my late brother chasing them when being invaded not with a gun, but a big booming voice! Special plastic meshing across doors works somewhat. Fine mesh over windows is a waste of time they rip it out.

Who would have thought 35 years ago development would become this aggressive, everyone wants to life on the beach, plus have a mall close to hand for shopping every day of the week!