Pendleton Oregon is one of my favorite places I've visited to date. I love the small town feel and the smell you breath in when visiting the local shops upon entering. It's almost like stepping back in time like how Marty did before trying to avoid bangin his mom.

Meme cred
Pardon the rough extensively exaggerated reference from Back to the future...I get a lot carried away sometimes but yea that happened or should I say almost happened in a movie once. If you've never seen it then you're an alien from mars.
So anyway, Purple n stuff. There was some pretty amazing machines at this event and I had a blast in Pendleton Oregon. I almost picked up a fancy belt buckle there but then people would have thought me a rodeo guy then I would have had to explain I was just a poser who liked shiny things so I opted for the keychain.
This was a (they don't make them like they used to) kind ah town and that's why I loved it there. Great people, beautiful vineyards, landscape and old fashioned vibes. Looking forward to going back!
The list of Colors by Day:
Sunday - Purple
Monday - Red
Tuesday - Orange
Wednesday - Yellow
Thursday - Green
Friday - Blue
Saturday - IndigoProps to @kalemandra who started this daily challenge.
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Love it, Those are some funky big twins! Keep it up, gave you a 100% vote (0.02 cents at the moment 😂). #minnowlife #minnowtowhale
Awe snap! I appreciate every bit of it bro! Thank you!
The machines were indeed really pretty amazing i noticed man!!!
Thanks for having a look bud 👊🏼
Nice shoot..pls share the photo info pls