Dear Steemies, today is orange, TuesdayOrange.
Wild fire lilies are blooming now in the Bükk mountains, there are many of them in the meadows. And the most common butterfly is an orange beauty, they meet at muddy places and puddles.
#Colorchallenge by @kalemandra
- #MondayRed
- #TuesdayOrange
- #WednesdayYellow
- #ThursdayGreen
- #FridaySkyblue
- #SaturdayIndigo
- #SundayPurple
Welcome to DADA!
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Beautiful! They are pleasing to the eyes!
Just beautiful, sometimes is good one takes a break from the hustle of life to appreciate nature
these orange butterflies are boosting my heart's speed!
I really like!
This looks cool :) I hope you day start good there... here was morning very rainy :))
What a lovely orange...