"Understand that love and great achievements sometimes involve great risks." - Dalai Lama
"Get your work done wholeheartedly and you will succeed. The competition is so small ... "- Elbert Hubbard
"You do not have to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results." - Warren Buffet
So wonderful tulip
Love it
Thanks may friend for sharing
Nicely done you get some skillful people, to think they made using paper.
Nice paper tulip. Its so colourful.
nice tulip...i like @marius19
Nice quotes man!
Beautiful photo!
Lovely piece of origami there!
Also like your meaningful quotes. My takeaway: Take a risk, give it your best shot, care less about the competition and care more about putting your whole heart into whatever you are doing and you may just get extraordinary results!!
Upvoted and following you. Cheers!
great post keep it up.....
Great creative job. Beautiful
Nice dear
Plz vote on my page and support me
Oh I love tulips thanks