Yesterday was pretty overcast. In the evening, driving across the hills on my way back from dropping a friend off at the railway station. The sun dropped down below the cloud bank and bathed everything in a beautiful light.
Grabbed my phone and jumped out of the car to photograph these lovely hedgerow flowers
The hedgerows are a refuge for all sorts of wildlife here in England and are just left to grow naturally for the most part.
The purple thistles stood out amongst the other wild flowers.
Having no idea that Sunday's colour challenge was purple it must be just dumb luck on my part to live in such a beautiful place.
Here is a photograph of a lovely cottage painted pink. The light was just golden.
Have a great week ahead.
I always love your posts and your commentaries. There is a real grounded and appreciative essence about you. You do live in a beautiful and abundant area, with natural beauty and nature to give you so much each day. Thank-you for the beautiful pictures. It is always a pleasure to see!
The sunlight was beautiful.Thank you for your warm comments. They are much appreciated @cabbagepatch
Beautiful photos @molometer, I am looking foreward to seeing more of your photos from the picturesque English countryside. Keep it up!
I love thistles!
Wait! There's a cat walking that ridge row! Did you put a treat up there? ;-)
What! A cat, where? I'm as blind as a bat. It might be the fen panther? Yikes! ;)
I have just seen the cat now (Tuesday) lol completely missed that.
It's on the roof of the cottage.
@marillaanne you have great eyesight. Well spotted.
Where are my glasses?
Oh I see it now!
I didn't see it for ages. Glasses more like binoculars lol
Yes, great that you live in a beautiful place. Great shots.
Thanks David such lovely sunshine.
LOL @molometer you've created a new challenge. Can you see what I see! Exclusively for #oldtimers Lol rotf
OMG I'm a genius at this stuff and didn't even know it, and I'm modest too lol.
canyouseewhatisee wow bit of a long hashtag
How about cyswis as a tag?
That might work if we explain it on a blog haha
ok what about just "I Spy"?
Sounds good to me.;)
You really do live in a beautiful place! It looks so peaceful! Lovely photos!, I just spent the last 15 minutes trying to find the cat that someone else replied about! I thought they were talking about the hedgerow...but I'm guessing it was on the cottage roof. At least, that's where I see it!
If it really is in the hedgerow, then I am also blind as a bat! Lol. ^_^
Lol no. It's the ridge row. The ridge row is the name of the shingles that cap the peak of a roof. That cat looks like it is attached to the roof as well.
I thought it was funny too that he's on about the hedge row and I'm seeing the ridge row.
Haha this has been a very enlightening chat about a mysterious cat.
I finally saw it... and I took the photo haha
Just goes to show. I may need better glasses.
Hedgerows, ridgerows I'm all of a dither haha
Glad I finally saw it.
@akemiroyko I've only just spotted it myself lol. Now the question is. Where is this purple thing that @whatisnew is seeing?
Looks very nice there. I was just mowing and spotted a Michigan sized thistle I believe. It has a proper pre-flower bulb taking shape. I hope it flowers for next week. I swear it was as tall as me on my mower lol!!
We had one grow outside our backdoor last year that reached the eave!
My husband made sure to chop it down, or I did, anyway, we made sure it was down before it seeded. Kind of miss it this year. Somewhere I have a beautiful shot of a butterfly on one of the blossoms.
That sounds like an amazing photo. You'll have to find it as it sounds like a beauty with the butterfly.
I'll put it in the queue for
Saturday night.Sunday. Get my days and colors sorted out!I am hoping to get a nice bloom off of it before I get rid of it as well!
They attract the butterflies bees and spiders and other interesting critters. Great for photographs.
And I've heard they proliferate almost as fast as Kudzu. Ok maybe 50% as fast.
That would be brilliant if it flowers on time, or the next week. Get the photo.. I've just been out amongst the hedgerows again and got a close up of the thistles. Very high details for the next purple color challenge.
I look forward to seeing it. I am also happy to see our coin going in the right direction today! :)
it is? I'm not looking for a while. Just no point to add more distraction. It is what it is until I need it.
Very true. I like to root for it, like in sports rooting for the home team lol.
Hip hip horay! Go steem!
Awesome Blossom!
Wait until you see the close ups I got today. There are little worlds within worlds.
Alright! I think we have a Group Outing to Thistle Farm planned for Sunday. Obviously!!
Who knew! There's a whole thistle fan club here! LOL
It must be the Celt in us somewhere. Remembering the lochs and mountains of the highlands? :)
who me? ... no I remember the plains of Texas, USA ... truth! I'm actually wondering where a certain piece is that I spent hours reworking over a decade ago. These days all that work can be done in better software with a tweak or two. .... I'll have to spend some time browsing my Texas photos. I'll browse my Kentucky photos for last year's beast too.
I wouldn't mind being able to remember the locks and mountains of the highlands though!
Talk about luck...did you notice the purple image on the right side of the pink cottage? Fascinating! :)
I've looked and looked. I still can't see it? lol
Did you find it yet? @marillaanne found it!
I think I see what you see!
Maybe it's dappled shadow from a tree?
Kinda reminds me of a dragon.
Well I sure am glad that you see it too! I thought I was losing my mind. HaHa! It does look like a shadow from a tree and yes, similar to a dragon. :)
OMG now I see it. You guys have got eyes like hawks. Well spotted. @marillanne @whatisnew I just found these comments and will upvote them when I'm on full power.
These pictures are great.
Elrond Huston Aka ehuston
Beautiful countryside
Thanks Craig it is very pretty here in the East of England.