Healthy designer breakfast and an introduction to my webpage design
Here's a picture I used earlier in a @happychaga post. I'm drinking it again right now for breakfast and if you read forward you see them in our forest! :)
I made the front page of my webpage using my own photograph, and used Adobe Illustrator for the rest of the layout. I also designed and made the logo. Feel free to suggest improvements and give critics for anything!
The berries in this picture are Lingonberries btw, I'm having freezed ones in my smoothie right now! :)
AI and SketchupPro are my favorite computer programs. It's quite cool to make digital art and design, though I still believe the real art comes from the traditional way of making art... I am definitely not a pro with AI and have a lot to learn, but I can use it as a tool for simple works. I learned the very basics in school and after that I just studied Youtube tutorials. I always have fun working with AI! :)
Here's a picture of my business cards that I designed.
What's up with all this berry stuff ?
The main reason for using pictures from nature is to give the feeling of a company that really cares about the sustainable values. I also want to inspire people to do small but better choices in everyday life.
HERE.Now back to work! Follow me @olmosdesign and feel free to leave critics! Also check out my introduction post
<3 :) Stella
Never heard of Lingonberries! How do they taste? Sour, sweet or bitter? What are there relatives?
Upped and Resteemed!
@holgerwerner Lingonberries are have lots of superpowers and have anti-inflammatory properties. I just found out that they are also known as foxberries or cowberries! :) You should order some dried powder!
I don't like the taste of dried powder. I put dried Aronia berries in my morning smoothies. I let them soak in water for half an hout, and they are just fine.
👍 😎 👀 💃 Steemit Emojis Master List 🚀 😝 🌍 🍒If you want to put emoji's in your text, here is a shortcut list edited by @blueorgy:
Reading between the lines: Do you think my writings are old school and boring? :I haha
Nope, I noticed that you like to smile :) ;) and send heart <3, like me.
that's true, I'll draw my own emojis, I just don't like the original existing emojis :D Who decided them to look like they do anyway. I want an emoji revolution.
We will plant Aronia-bushes on our yard !! Great berry indeed! Lingonberries are the best put frozen into smoothies!! :)
I don't think I can get them in Germany, except via "Suomi-Express". Haha
There has to be a way to get the berries there too! :)
Resteemed and upvoted :)
yey <3 :D
I love the unique fruits, at home I have collected similar to lingonberries that is beach cherry and cherry vietnam and now it is fruitful, you surely enjoy it @olmosdesign
@trizwansyah79 you have to make a post of your berries or send a picture! :)
ok, thanks for the suggestion @olmosdesign