This post is my contribution to the #colorchallenge contest hosted by @kalemandra.
Camera : Smartphone Xiaomi Redmi note 4x + macro lens.
When the rainy season arrives, weeds grow very quickly and give flowers with a variety of colors. Today I chose them in purple. Hope you guys like it.
Thank you for your support and do not forget to follow me @rizasukma.
May you be happy on this day of the week wherever you are.
Ini gambar yang sangat sempurna sobat.
Terima kasih banyak kawan ku 😊.
you have managed to take excellent photos using macro
Thank you for your support @muna10.
Keren bang @rizasukma untuk kecerahan warna jelas nampak, apalagi gambar di belakang nya warna hijau, jelas muncul warna ungu lebih dominan. Semoga menang..
Aminnn.. Terima kasih banyak atas dukungannya @rickygunawan. Semoga sukses untuk mu 😊👍.
beautiful flowers we can enjoy, again bloom with an elegant color, thank kadih already sharing friends @rizasukma
Thank you very much my friend 😊.