Color Challenge [28/02/2018] - Wednesday Yellow / Miércoles Amarillo

Un delicioso mango este fruto será y de seguro, sabroso estará. Espero les haya gustado la foto y continuo con el reto #ColorChallege

A delicious mango this fruit will be and surely, tasty will be. I hope you liked the photo and continued with the challenge #ColorChallege.

Color Challenge Image
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

CategoryMiércoles/Wednesday: Amarillo/Yellow
CameraZTE Blade V6 Plus
LocationMérida, Yucatán, México

Lee Como Participar|Read How to Participate#ColorChallenge

Suggested Themes | Temas Sugeridos

Lunes/Monday: Rojo/Red
Martes/Tuesday: Naranja/Orange
Miércoles/Wednesday: Amarillo/Yellow
Jueves/Thursday: Verde/Green
Viernes/Friday: Azul/Blue
Sábado/Saturday: Indigo/Indigo
Domingo/Sunday: Morado/Purple

Color Challenge sponsored by @kalemandra