Hi Guys
Image digitally colored by myself using 3D Paint, image source @kalemandra
The Orange Chakra - The Sacral Chakra
Image Source : Pixabay
The Color Orange is a combination of the colors Red and Yellow, compared to Red it is said to be much more balancing than Red and really good in sustaining warmth.
The Color Orange is thought to create opportunity and enhance your creativity, sensuality, vitality and stimulate socializing.
The Orange Chakra: The Sacral Chakra
Is located approx 2-3 inches below our navel. The Sacral Chakra is related to our reproductive system, adrenals and Kidney. Visualizing Orange during Color Therapy, is said to help stimulate joy and happiness, also help alleviate Depression and enhance your overall receptivity to pleasure. By focusing and working on our Sacral Chakra we can help create a Healthy balance between body and mind.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post.
Thank you for all the Support!
Thank you! Bookmarked. Great info. I love that I can always look back to my bookmarks for useful information from this amazing community. Have a nice d
Hi @deeboe1126. Truly appreciate your support my friend, Thank you so much! You have an awesome day:)
-The Color Orange is thought to create opportunity and enhance your creativity, sensuality, vitality and stimulate socializing. - Need more orange in my life :)
Hi @tamacvet. I agree, we all do! Thank you for the comment.