Color Challenge-Tuesday Orange


I took this picture in Deltaville, Virginia, just before a storm came along to rock our little boaty world. I hadn't been on the boat for a month when this happened. It was an experience and I have to say, the sky gave me quite a bit to photograph. I wish I'd had a better camera but I know nothing about the new digital cameras, f-stops, and all that sort of thing. I just know how to snap a moment of time that stuns me. I haven't edited the picture in any way, this is just how it came out. Have a great day! :)


Awesome. I lived on a boat in San Diego, California for ten years and loved it!

I think I'm too much of a cold climate girl for living on boats ever again but I learned some serious survival/ingenuity skills while living on that floating tub. My fella is the one that loves boating but I loved the pictures I was able to take and the things I learned. Those are skills I can use my whole life. :)

Good !

Thanks! :) Glad you liked it! :)