So this was my toughest ColorChallenge day yet. I could not find any pictures that I had previously taken, that had this Indigo color in them. For that matter, I wasn't sure I owned anything this color!
So I went hunting and in our dining room, I finally struck gold... or rather indigo. Ar, ar, ar. Ok, so maybe not a comic.
Anyhoo, first I found a plate. A start.
Then I found a little dessert glass. Kind of pretty.
Add to that a decorative vase.
What to do with them?
I took a look at some of the items I had found and put a few of them together.
Then I tried viewing the plate and the pitcher through the little glass.
Then I put the vase and glass together. Oh yeah!
Got wild and crazy and upended the glass with the plate on top, getting a little "punchy" at 4:30am.
Finally, we come to my favorite combination: (drum roll playing in my head now, sleep deprived) upended glass, on top of plate, with flashlight on top of both! Taa-daa!
I hope you have enjoyed my "Study In Indigo".
I used a Canon SX50HS for these shots. My props are listed above.
I am an amateur (you may have picked up on that :)
If YOU would like to get in on the fun, and participate in this challenge, go to: @ColorChallenge.
This has been my submission for: SaturdayIndigo! Woohoo! Off to bed I go!

I really love the picture of the vase and glass together! And I didn't know there was so much of this around the house either! Great work! ❤
I was so relieved when I found these in our china cabinet! Thanks sweetie!
I applaud you for getting so creative!! You deserve a high five for this endeavour!! You framed indigo very well. Nice job!
Thank you, @countrygirl! I appreciate it!
Trust me, Indigo is a nightmare for many of us! I've decided to go with the SPIRIT of the rainbow on more than one occasion.
Thank You! I am glad to hear that I am not the only one @bex-dk! So ready for MondayRed! :)