Color Challenge - Green Thursday - Unripe tomatoes

in #colorchallenge7 years ago

These tomatoes grew up in my garden some weeks ago, when there was still enough sun. And now, due to the daily rains and thunderstorms, many of them darkened and decayed. Very sorry for the lost crop: ((

Ось такі помідори росли у мене на городі декілька тижнів тому, коли ще було достатньо сонця. А зараз, через щоденні дощі та грози, багато з них почорніло та погнило. Дуже шкода втраченого врожаю :((

green tomato 1.jpg
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-200, 1/1250

green tomato 2.jpg
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-200, 1/1000

green tomato 3.jpg
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-200, 1/2500

green tomato 4.jpg
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-200, 1/800


Wow so green and fresh tomatoes . You can my gardening post. i am happy to see it. Thanks..

You're welcome!

You can take them off early and let ripen in a window sill, or if you want them faster, they ripen quickly in a paper bag.

We do it, but it's still a lot of crop loss

Зелено зелене.. краса)

хоча б так помилуємось)