Learning to appreciate the talent in others is the way to value your own. The world is FULL of talent. Enjoy it!
Green is my favourite colour... I have stated it so many times... And certainly I try not to miss Thursday Green as an excuse to share some lush green hues.
They say The green is always greener on the other side but I don't agree... I feel it's very green on my side too, especially this time of the year... lush, tender... a promise of life, food for those animals that suffered the harshness of winter...
The grass is indeed very green now, on my side too.... I do believe that sometimes those feelings that has been related with green (jealousy) prevents us from appreciating it...
Your talent and its potential has nothing to do with the talent of others
Learn to appreciate the beauty of the talent in others... free of envy. Once you can do that, maybe you will appreciate better your own.
And be forgiving to all who envy you because they may still lack the self confidence to override that hurting emotion.
Yet again this is only my humble opinion... do you agree?
Green is my favourite colour indeed but I dislike it's associated with such energy vibration which I've managed to keep at bay. This is something you nurture, you make it grow... It's like a seedling... and what is the colour of new seedlings?
Unfairly related with jealousy
But today I'm taking the chance to "rant" a little.... why this expression?
Why is green related with jealousy and envy?
Besides the "grass is greener on the other side" we also use the idiom "To make someone green in envy" when you are unhappy or jealous when someone has something you want or succeed at something you're envious about. Green has been related with money and thus with greediness...
How ugly is that to relate with one of the most wonderful soul filling colours Nature can provide?
Even Shakespeare chose green to represent jealousy
Act 3 of Othello:
It is the green-ey'd monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.
Let's get rid of the stigma of green
Green is the colour of life... of growth, of our love for live and Nature, of renewal.
It is a colour of prosperity and abundance.
It's also a colour that fosters creativity... Don't we say to give a "green light" when we approve a project?
Green is also the colour that it's associated to the Heart Chakra (Anahata) that links the body with the spiritual world. It balances our head and our emotions. Green its energy of love and transformation. The one that teaches us to be more empathetic, to learn to love and to share.
In Japan it represents "Eternal Life"
I love green... Green is the colour I want to be
One very dear friend in a journey (I call it journey) because it was also an spiritual one gave me a leaf heart. Each time that we met (a few times only due to long distance) he gave me one, handpicked by him. I have the first of those hearts framed since 2008, evergreen on a frame... That Green Man* reinforced in me the power of this colour...
We know it...
Nature heals
Even in winter green remains in holy and moss... Green ENDURES
But It ain´t easy being green...
I'm sharing here an excerpt of the lyrics of one of my favourite songs ever "It ain´t easy being green", sung by the very wise Kermit The Frog from The Muppets
But green’s the colour of Spring
Green can be cool and friendly-like
Green could be big like a mountain, important like a river, or tall like a tree
Well, green is all that I can be
It could make you wonder why, but why wonder?
I’m green
It’s beautiful!
I think it’s what I want to be
All pictures are copyrighted to Priscilla Hernandez @yidneth
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Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
There you are in the fields of Gold (without sting)
More the green fields, though they'll go gold in Summer I guess
More the "Green fields" 🍀🍀🌿
I think green is beautiful too.
It indeed represents life, it shows growth, progress, fruitfulness, positivity and so many wonderful feelings.
Your photo looks breath taking
Here is a picture of me appreciating green
I agree, and may all your dreams and project "grow" lush and evergreen!
Thanks alot
Love green... And live your pictures!!!
Thank you :)
Did you know that bright green is the colour of the heart chakra. So nature surrounds us with loving heart vibrations!
:) yes, it's in the article.
I love green so It makes me sad it's associated to such bad emotions too, totally unfair, whenever I am in the green I feel renewed, healed... green GIVES life... after a harsh winter... what is more selfless than that?
Couldn’t read the article properly through the steepshot app because there was weird coding language intermingled with the words so I didn’t see anything about the chakras in there, but I tried to read the article.
Yes. What could be better than green? It’s the colour of life itself.
So pretty and so green! I really love looking out at all the green of spring, its gorgeous and soul soothing ♡
Even in the harsh cold winters I save the green in my heart, that's what my song "GROW" is all about, I guess I should share it here. :)
Green is my favorite color too! I have always appreciated how many different shades of green wonderful Mother Nature provides for us to marvel at. I love the dress in the photos by the way. Wonderful post with so many thoughts on what green represents for us in life. :)
Aw thanks actually it's a green tunic and it was my "daily wear" half of my wardobe is pixie green and layers. Most of my photoshoots are not so cos I do go to the forest dressed like a minstrel hahahah it's a kind of ritual hahah :) I love green, green provides life, it's a "selfless" colour. I claim that!
Ohhhh I didn't realize it was a tunic, my apologies. It's still gorgeous hehe. I need to wear more green, I wear a lot of black for some reason. Rituals are good for the soul! Green is a selfless color, I love that. I can see that. Good one!
Pris, you are so dreamy. In any color but green is definitely your color of all colors. ♥
I shift with the seasons bu I also save green in my heart
envy is a partition of lust for greatness, but the grass is always greener where you properly water it.
I absolutely love that comparison
Yes green is such a wonderful color :)
Either you or someone who valued your post shared this post on Pimp Your Post Thursday in the Steemit Ramble discord. Looking forward to you visiting us again.
Your photos are always wonderful, and I like your musings on the color green! Totally agree, it is the color of life, and the color of the heart chakra! 💚
In love with your pictures
Thank you, I consider myself a musician and illustrator, but passion for photography goes next.
Dreamy shot, loving it!
Yidneth! I looked it up. I was curious too.
(Please ignore I'm just now getting to this post....)
So... back in the day (way back) green and pale were basically interchangeable as a way to describe sickness. Cause, well, that's what folks looked like when they were under the weather! 😆
No mystery there (except for the word swap)...
But how'd jealousy and envy join the game???
Somewhere along the line, the Greeks decided that when one was jealous or envious their bodies would produce more bile resulting in a green appearance of the skin and often the eyes.
So... like... it was a real thing. But was it bile?
After further investigation, it seems more likely that a jealous lover would turn green because of lack of oxygen (cause you start to get short of breath) , which makes your blood vessels turn more blue... mix that with the light yellowy skin tones of your face--- BOOM! Green!
I think it's neat there was a little bit of fact in their fiction. 😎
Haha thanks Carrie, I wish I could edit now lol. still I adore green and I am so sad it associates with such things. I honestly think sick people look yellowish not green.
So I am green not with envy loool