Muy buenos días amigos de Hive, les saluda Angélica García, quien les trae unas fotografías monocromática y a color de un insecto, poco amigable...
Entre la monocromía y el color, un alacrán poso para nosotros, y pudo más mi instinto por acabar con tu existencia, a arriesgarme a tener una amistad con un peligroso alacrán, que encontré en un día de lluvia.
Ocurrió en un día de verano, en que el cocodrilo nadaba tranquilamente en las aguas del río, cuando vio, a un pequeño e insignificante, pero altamente peligroso alacrán acercarse a la orilla, el alacrán caminaba río arriba y río abajo muy cerca de la orilla, de vez en cuando se quedaba mirando y meneaba la cabeza, negaba con la cabeza, en forma de frustración, gesto que llamó mucho la atención del cocodrilo, quien se dirigió muy sigilosamente a la orilla, y con su fuerte voz, preguntó:
¿Qué hace usted tan cerca de la orilla?,
no se da cuenta que si el río lo atrapa,
y la corriente se lo lleva podría usted ahogarse
y quiero encontrar una mejor piedra en la que vivir,
pero tengo una buena idea, ya que tu eres un amable y fuerte cocodrilo,
¿Por que no me lleva cargado en tu lomo, al otro lado del río?.
El cocodrilo pensó mucho el argumento del alacrán, se decía a sí mismo, que el argumento dado por el pequeñin, tenía lógica, pero tenía sus dudas, pero al final, respondió.
El alacrán muy agradecido, se subió a la espalda del cocodrilo, con mucho cuidado, a emprender la aventura de pasar el río, encima del cocodrilo, era interesante ver el paisaje desde allí, pero el alacrán se estaba poniendo cada momento más nervioso, y cuando iba😜n por la mitad de río, el alacrán levantó su aguijón y le dio tres fuertes picadas al cocodrilo en su espalda.
- ¿Por qué lo hiciste alacrán?, ahora moriremos los dos
Lo hice porque simplemente, ¡Es mi naturaleza!.
Muchas gracias por su amable atención.

El cocodrilo, muy decepcionado le preguntó:
El alacrán respondió:
El ecosistema que nos rodea, es bello, peligroso e interesante, pero deberíamos saber cuidar de nuestra existencia, por lo tanto, el alacrán protagonista de esta historia, ya no existe, su actitud era amenazante, para mi vida e integridad física y hasta para mis vecinos.
Espero que le haya gustado, las fotografías y el relato de esta humilde publicación.
Angélica García.

Very good morning friends of Hive, Angélica García greets you, who brings you some monochrome and color photographs of an insect, not very friendly...
Between monochrome and color, a scorpion settled for us, and my instinct to end your existence was stronger than risking having a friendship with a dangerous scorpion, which I found in one day of rain.
Having found the scorpion reminds me of the story of:
The crocodile and the scorpion.
It happened on a summer day, when the crocodile was swimming calmly in the waters of the river, when he saw a small and insignificant, but highly dangerous scorpion approaching the shore, the scorpion was walking up and down the river very close to the shore, from time to time he would stare and shake his head, shaking his head in frustration, a gesture that caught the attention of the crocodile, who very stealthily headed to the shore. , and with his strong voice, he asked:
- Very good morning Mr. Scorpion,
What are you doing so close to the shore?
He doesn't realize that if the river catches him,
and the current takes you away, you could drown
- Hello Mr. Crocodile, I understand what you are saying, but I am interested in going to the other side of the river to explore the place, and I can't find a way to do it without drowning.
- And why do you want to go to the other side of the river?
- I am a very adventurous scorpion,
and I want to find a better rock to live on,
But I have a good idea, since you are a kind and strong crocodile,
Why don't you carry me on your back to the other side of the river?
- I'm very sorry, scorpion, that would be very risky, no matter how much I liked you, you are a very dangerous species, with your stinger you could sting me, injecting me with your poison, until I die.
Don't worry Mr. crocodile, you are doing me a favor, in fact, analyze it very well, if I stung you to kill you, I would die by drowning in the river water, understand it this way, for the simple fact of If I needed this enormous favor from you, I would be incapable of harming you, because you would be harming me too, and we would both die.
The crocodile thought a lot about the scorpion's argument, he told himself that the argument given by the little guy made sense, but he had doubts about it, but in the end, he responded .
Okay, I'm going to help you, come and climb on my back, but keep that dangerous stinger far away from me.
-Thank you very much Mr. Crocodile
The scorpion, very grateful, climbed onto the crocodile's back, very carefully, to undertake the adventure of crossing the river, on top of the crocodile, it was interesting to see the landscape from there, but the The scorpion was getting more nervous every moment, and when they were halfway across the river, the scorpion raised its stinger and gave the crocodile three strong bites on its back.
The crocodile, very disappointed, asked him:
- Why did you do it scorpion? Now we will both die
The scorpion responded:
I did it because it's simply my nature!
The ecosystem that surrounds us is beautiful, dangerous and interesting, but we should know how to take care of our existence, therefore, the scorpion protagonist of this story no longer exists, his attitude was threatening , for my life and physical integrity and even for my neighbors.
I hope you liked the photographs and the story of this humble publication.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Angélica García.