In a sudden and shocking development, Colors is all set to take its popular daily Ek Shringaar – Swabhimaan off air this week. The show by Rajshri Productions has been doing well and this news has definitely come as a shocker to all. A source associated with Swabhimaan shared the exclusive information with, “Last night the channel all of sudden passed this sermon. Ratings and content wise we are doing quite well and it is unethical on the channel’s part to pull the plug on us. We will air the last episode this Friday. Along with the team, we are sure fans will be left completely saddened by the news. We are clueless why this tough decision was taken.”
Helmed by Sooraj Barjatya, Swabhimaan, that launched in December last year depicts the story of two sisters, who in their own way fight for their rights. Their respective love stories were also much loved by fans. The show stars Sangeita Chauhan, Ankita Sharma, Sahil Uppal and Samridh Bawa. The young actors have become a sensation and seen a tremendous rise in their fan following with this serial. The show had recently celebrated the completion of its 200 episodes in a grand way.
Talking about the sudden closure, lead actor Sahil told us, “It is a sad development but as it’s the channel’s call, we can’t really question it. Being at the prime-time slot, guess they were expecting a lot more from us which we couldn’t deliver. We got to know of the news last night only. We will be shooting till Thursday. It was one of the most wonderful experiences working with the team and I am going to miss everyone a lot.”
Swabhimaan airs at the 9:30 pm slot and as of now it’s replacement hasn’t been zeroed in on. Programming wise Colors is all set to launch the 11th season of the most popular and controversial Bigg Boss from October 1. Weekday, the Salman Khan hosted reality show will air at 10:30 pm while on weekends at 9 pm.
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