A very long time ago, the human kind discovered fire. It was the beginning of a rollercoaster of development.
By cooking our food, and eating meat, our brain grew, therefore we became smarter and human kind invented things to solve daily problems.
One of the biggest achievments is our health care. We managed to control a lot of diseases that would have been a certain death a long time ago.
We developed, we managed ways to produce our food, how to raise our cattle, so we had more time to invent even more. Wheter you believe it or not, man stood on the moon, our whole planet is watched by satellites, and we are even planning a trip to Mars.
Our inventions had not only benefits. Our planet is suffering from pollution, and people got too lazy to throw their waste where it belongs. They rather throw it on the Streets, where it gets into the water, where the fish eat it, and eventually we are getting it back. How stupid can you be?
What concerns me more and more, is that I'm seeing that people are getting dumber again.
With the consuming of raw food I see a trend of stupidity.
No more vaccination, while we know that due to the vaccines, a lot of diseases aren't infecting people anymore.
In Holland the birdflu is back again. No more use of pesticide. Letting chicken run free in fields where wild birds fly, bringing all kinds of diseases, and because we are not allowed to vaccinate the chickens anymore, they get sick, we can't eat them and finally the chickens are destroyed. Shreddered like old scriptures of how to avoid people getting sick.
We are getting older, we are healthier, and what are we doing? We are going back in time, right to the first stage.
Eat raw food, drag your wife back into the cage, those where the days, right.
yes. fire is very valuble thing. tnx for share
Fire is good and bad at the same time ;) Thanks for your reply ;)
good story my friend
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it ;)
Got me thinking haha nice post
If this trend of human society keeps on going, the invention of fire and the progress we make it wil lead to one of two things.
1 we wil destroy ourselfs and go back to somekind of dark age, or 2 we get over many problems facing humanity,creat world peace and wil eventually colonize space.
The rate of advancement in Technology and AI wil lead to some sort of climax i geus.
I would like to believe the future to be fairytail like or at atleast i hope it is going to be.
The way is sometimes looks to be heading is not so good haha.
Cave man with highly destructief weapons wearing baseball caps or funny hats.
Have a nice day!!
Lol. I guess we won't be around when eventually the shit hits the van ;)