
I vote for the chimp. Kung-fu chimp drunk master can easily kick Gorillaz ass.

Going with the big guns on this one. Go RilZZ

Size does matter! Gorilla all the way!

That was much expected considering how much bigger Gorilla is than the Chimp.

Gorilla is going to domenate here.He is more powerfull than chimp.Go king kong, show your power.Its show time.

this is like a skinny 60kg man vs a 100 kg bully hahahaha

GORILLA For the winn!

The chimp may dance around for awhile and stay out of reach but once the gorilla grabs him, it is all over. Size matters.

I heard that they are very intelligent. They are perfect for fun or any funny movies. Thanks @alexbeyman.

Gorilla is going to win.
They are too similar in their abilities so it's down to weight class.
Average weight of a chimpanzee = 50kg
Average weight of a gorilla = 160kg

A chimp is quite witty and elusive really, but I think the gorilla is strong as it can get, for sure the gorilla is winning

gorilla is the best and the movie Gorilla is so funny and amazing Hope you all wached this thanks for sharing beautiful pics

Well I go with gorilla 🦍, simply because they belong to the same family group but their sizes will determine the winner , gorillas are bigger than chimps so that gives it the advantage to win

Gorilla. A chimp will eat your face but a Gorilla will rip your arms off.

GORILLA- total muscle power, CHIMP-total brain. It's really a difficult choice. If we only see the muscle power of Gorilla then it will be a straight win for Gorilla but if the Chimp can utilize his intelligence like use a stone to target Gorilla's head then the chance of winning is 50-50. But i think at last the Gorilla will win.

the gorilla has the advantage to win this fight!
Team gorilla

gorilla will win this match as gorilla is more powerful and big sized then chimp


Wouldn't wanna say much but it outclasses the chimp in every damn way


Gorilla is the most powerful, because its big body is not worth the small chimpanzee, although chimpanzee is nimble...

body language.... chimp has already lost man... :p

Its going to be the gorilla any day any time. It has the size, the power, the intimidation. The force in a gorilla's punch would split the chimps jead wide open

I had to do a little research on both of them to find out who is more likely to win and I choose the gorilla.

The chimp is totally outclassed in this mash-up.
Gorilla without a doubt

I root my vote for the gorilla. Gorilla is a war monger and chimp is not.

Lol I love chimps for their friendly nature, but I'll have to go with Gorilla!...unless it's a dancing

The Gorilla has the upper hand because he is bigger and has more strength but the chimp can probably run away faster and manage an strategic kill! I'm going for the Chimp!

Gorilla for the win.
It's stronger, bigger. Even the picture tells the story about what's gonna happen if these two fight

I give it to the gorilla, it will use its size to defeat the chimp

That's are agli to me

Well the Gorilla is like an upgraded next level chimp.. it will prooly tear him apart.

this gorilla is looking in deep thoughts

this duel will be tough, I couldn't even decide the winner yet not until they started, there will be blood, no one of them is ready to surrender, they fight still death, any way gorilla still haz the upper hand . This is really hilarious,.

By Size it's Gorilla! But I heard Chimp can do a good battle! So, this might be a bloody battle!


Hand to Hand - no chance. The Gorilla will tear it apart. However, a Chimpanzee can attack a gorilla if it has the right numbers. Chimps are incredibly strong (but not gorilla strong) and are smarter than Gorillas

Lol, what's up with these people spamming about watching gorilla movies and shit? Fuck off ya cunts.

Also, gorilla has this hands down. The chimp might be a bit more crafty and agile, but there's no way he compares in strength.

If there are trees in the arena, I think I could go with the chimp, he could climb faster than the gorilla, and gorilla would only be able to climb so high, and then branch break gorilla falls, and neck breaks.

If there are no trees, and we are in a savanna type area, I would have to go with the gorilla's muscle mass.

The Gorilla takes the win for this round Alex

Just cause you big dont mean you a gorrilla!!!

A little tough to decide but going to go by size and so Gorilla it is :)

Gorilla 🦍 wins this round...

Just a punch does the damage

Gorilla is going to win. I mean look at his big ass, I don't think there is going to be anything or anyone who beats him.

Definitely the gorilla in this one! In terms of intelligent they are pretty equal but in terms of size and strength the gorilla is far ahead the chimpanzee.

The victory is for the chimp is gorilla has no chance against "CESAR"

I think that the chimpanzee has no chance against gorilla, because the gorilla is very strong and would easily win the chimp, for something is the king of the jungle.