
Rhino is the winner in this battle. There is no way lion can kill rhino 🦏. It has up to 5cm thick skin. I love lions, but in this fight I have to make common sense. It will be the biggest fight so far, but lion makes one mistake and it’s over. Just look at the size of rhino. Look how fast and strong he is. If it’s only one on one, it’s no brainer.

This is a one on one battle..
Lions usually hunt in packs, so it's go with the rhino

The lion is very lazy, the females are the ones that hunt the zebras . That's why I think the rhino will win.

You couldn't be more wrong, the lion may be lazy but when he fights he's good, the rhino may be crazy strong, but he's slow.... the lion will take advantage of that and defeat the rhino...

#Team Lion!

That's your opinion, just wait for the results.

rhino for the win \o/

Rhino will win @alexbeyman

Rhino team, he is more heavy, strong and brave than the kitty. .

Definitely will win the rhino !! look at those sharp horns !! A blow with those horns to the lion and it can tear the intestines!

While the lion will find it very difficult to do any damage to the strong skin of the rhino!

A single lion almost certainly would fail in an attempt to kill a full grown healthy adult rhinoceros. Luckily for lions, they usually hunt in groups. If a large hunting party of lions set their minds on killing an adult rhino, I think there is a chance that they could bring it down, but there is also a good chance that they could not.
But the contest is one on one, so I guess rhino has the edge. It was a difficult one.

The rhino has it. Lions do not do any hunting. That's all up to a pack of lionesses working in tandem. The Lions are the lazy shits that sit under a tree and wait for dinner to come to them.

Rhino again in this one, a Single lion no, A pride could do. one alone very unlikely. unless it was a younger rhino. but that would not be a fair fight at all,Rhino for me

I have seen the rhino in action once, it was pretty bloody so I'll give it to the rhino on this one.

Alex - I think it's Lion... He is the king of Jungle...


Lion can easily evade his horn, wound him and wait till he bleeds and lose consciousness. And then he is done imho.

It breaks my heart to see another kitty to be hurt...
Give a lion bazooka or smth. Fatass rhino is too much.

I vote for lion here.Well he is the king of jungle.He must be win.

Rhino has it. A whole pride of lions has a hard time bringing down a rhino, let alone a single lion on it's own. Plus seriously SERIOUSLY outweighed, average weight of a male lion: 200kg
Average weight of a rhino: 2 tonnes.
Yes i googled to make sure of accuracy.

Rhino's horn will flail around violently and pierce the lion so badly, dead animal rights activists will turn in their graves. The rhino's armor is too thick for the lion to do much with, and the damn thing is a moving tank. It might get a few scratches and a bite on its neck, but nothing more.

I'd go out on a limb to say the rhino could knock out two lions at the same time.

The limb the rhino just crushed!

Nice play there.

I am going with rhino, i mean look at it. He is looking so huge. It will be difficult to get a chane to make injured the lion.
But overall rhino will be the ultimate winner.

Lion is definitely gonna win

Rhino looking dangerious but lion is the king of jungle.

Loin the king of the Jungle is going to win this round

The lion is very lazy, the females are the ones that hunt the zebras. rhino for the win. Rhino team, he is more heavy, strong and brave than the kitty. .

Rhino skin is very strong and thick enough to be skin, and their team is very strong.

You always share an interesting post. I enjoyed your post. Thank you.
And i think RHINO will win. What you think ? @alexbeyman

Rhino is the animal of talented which have not high power on eye but have accute of fragrance ,,,by its accute power it understand all what happened...
i like this animals attitude,,,it also bear a a lot of hit because its skin is so thik,,these like of this Gorilla and Hunoman ...they have the ability like Rhino..they stay with family as like as man,,


It’s gonna be a though one but the lion has better chances of winning taking the Rhino from the back as the only weapon are the tusks. But the sharp claws and long canines gives the lion a better chance

this is amazing, good luck my friend yes

Really this is excellent i love animals thanks for sharing

Though is said that Lion are king of the jungle but this is an open field match. I give it to the Rhino

Rhino is win.

Always Muscles! Therefore, my vote goes with Rhino!@alexbeyman,


Dang this is the best fight so far.
I'm gonna think about it while I eat this sandwich.
I thought about other shit instead. Mainly the sandwich.
Rhino wins, he mean.

rhino vs lion, Draw. but more I choose rhino if it must fight

that rhino is totally in mood
RIP lion

I think the rhino should be the winner here. The lionesses are usually hunting and the lion himself isn’t getting that involved in it. Also the Rhino is a pretty tough opponent for any predator.

King of the jungle lion.. I don't know how but it will do it..

All hail the king of the jungle.

Rhino 🦏 sounds perfect for lunch.... Said king lion 🦁

Rhino, he has that horn for more than just show, tough skin also, that is why it takes a pride of lions to take down a rhino. The lion may be fast, but is it going to be fast enough, and like the Cheetah, will he run out of gas to fast? So Rhino wins.

Rhino is too powerful for lion. No doubt rhino.

I will go with the rhino, he is bigger, and what blow would be enough to kill the lion besides rhino has a stronger body than the lion and is more resistant. Lion would need a lot of bites to kill the rhino while the rhino with just one well placed horn can kill the lion.