The chimp was clever, but not clever enough. The raw, brutal upper body strength of the gorilla combined with its speed and aggression meant this match could end only one way. The gorilla dines on chimp meat tonight. This concludes the first battle of series 2! Are you not entertained? What inhumane absurdities await as we draw nearer to a single grand champion?
Stay Tuned for Round 18!
I thought was correct! Anyway let's move to the next one! I hope Gorilla get Elephant as his next opponent!@alexbeyman,
what if it was Tyson vs Gorilla
This battle is too predictable. I thought you would add unexpected factors like a cobra with a lightsaber... Or a coyote with a huge diarrhoea tha poisoned the human opponent with a toxic gas.
YES! I finally got one right! Go Groovy Gorilla!
Chimp would surely not have been able to stand up to Gorilla until he had some really tricky plan in mind. Which he clearly did not.
Alex - King Kong won... It's predictable...
Gorillas naturally being bigger in size was bound to win this one.
I wonder how the match between gator and elephant would go. Mostly likely the gator being crushed to death under the feet of the elephant
Yeah, the chimp is not enough clever and stronger to defeat Gorilla.Anyway, it was a good battle.I am waiting for the next one,it will more exciting.
I got my money on the Rhino i am looking forward to this more than i would care to admit lol...
I haven't gone through all of this, but whatever I have gone through Iwas really entertaining my friend alex, wating for the champ, and I am really excited because you always bring something new about the winner, its difficult to predict who's gonna win.
Gorillas are the world’s largest primates. They are closely related to humans, with 98% of their DNA identical to that of Homo sapiens. So the Chimp never had a chance to win this fight.
I guessed like this, the best gorilla... hehehe 👏🏻
I knew it . I predicted right again
This is getting tense
Great work sir.Thanks for sharing your thought.
100% upvote done from @iambooster
Do you know "Mike Tyson" offered a zoo attendant $10,000 to open the cage of a bullying gorilla so he could “smash that silverback’s snotbox.” His offer was declined. What do you think whose gona win that fight if the zoo attendant open the cage?
This was amazing, i cant wait to see the next battles
Knew the Gorilla was going to have it because it is stronger
How right I was in my comment that the gorilla would win by its strength and size demonstrates superiority in front of any adversary.
Greetings I will be very attentive to the next fight.
The chimpanzee did not take advantage of the opportunity he had that was faster than the gorilla and with that advantage could not give the lethal blow. The gorilla is victorious and today dinner barbecue.
though some of the fights are not entertaining
but most of them are awesome
there is always curiosty about the winner
Yeah, gorilla strength overdue chimps cleverness. Gorilla is the winner as we predicted.
Even though this one seemd obvious, battles are getting more and more tight. Gonna be interesting second round! :)
All hail the mighty gorilla
Kinda like The Mountain vs The Viper in game of thrones.
The gorilla was just to strong for the chimp.