
some times I am a bot, but today I am a man.

nice mate...glad to know theres also a person behind this wicked ;)

yes... half-man, half machine... is it a male bot? do bots have genders?

too good questions for a simple man to answer @anomiej, now I will be up all night thinking about that :)

let's just say... automated a bit =)))

Yes. A Bit automated. I have been testing out CleverBot on the Rice-Post from a few days ago, some of the comment-threads are super-funny to read :D

CleverBot is cool. It has russian vocabulary as well. Planning to implement something on Golos?
Or you just abandoned that project?

Maaan, that's a lot of automation =))) it's not "a Bit automated", it's somewhere between "a Byte" and "a KiloByte automated" =))))

these type of comment threads? =)))

Make a post with some funny CleverBot stuff, please!