E4: You Would Do What for a $20 BTC?

in #comedy7 years ago (edited)

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In Episode 4 of The Bull Pen Podcast, The Crypto Bully steps into the Bull Pen with “Your Favorite Truckdriver” Benjamin Semchee a.k.a. Bitcoin Ben. He goes into detail about how he ended up becoming a huge Litecoin supporter and hodler, speaks on what the HODLit app is and how he believes it will disrupt the market and what he thinks is the next big move for crypto. Oh, and figure out exactly what Bitcoin Ben said he would do for a $20 Bitcoin. Listener discretion is advised! Lol



00:00:00 – Preview
00:00:11 – Disclaimer
00:00:58 – Intro
00:01:48 – Interview
00:54:27 – Outro


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Very inspirational. We are not a product of our circumstances. Rather, we are products of our decisions.

Thanks and agreed!

Now this was a fun episode to be a part of! Bitcoin Ben's conversation was hilarious. Definitely going to do this with him again haha

Man! Funiest episode so far and best Bitcoin Ben's talks I've heard so far!

Thanks bro haha