Ranking the members of Friends

in #comedy5 years ago

If i had to choose my favorite sitcom of all time it wouldn't even be close. I wouldn't even need to think about it. Friends would immediately be my choice and a big part of the reason for that is because the characters are just perfect. However, we all have our favorites, even when it is out of what I consider to be a flawless list.

This is how I rank the major cast members of Friends, from least favorite to most favorite- keeping in mind that I don't think any of them are bad they just have riding levels of awesomeness.


Number 6: Monica Geller


Played by Courney Cox, who was the only famous person in the lineup prior to this series' release, Monica was a serious person for the most part who was very set in her ways and would try to frequently be the boss of her pals and later neighbors. There were some stories of hers that I was interested in, but for the most part I didn't find the stuff that she did to be terribly funny. There was one exception: When they did the flashback to when she was a teenage fat-girl.


It took the SJW army about 10 years to have a problem with the "fat Monica" episodes and thank goodness for that.

Number 5: Rachel Green


While I think most people would agree that Rachel was the "hottest" of the gang, her comedy wasn't so much driven by her as she was the subject of it for being a bit aloof and naive. I also think she came across as being quite whiny at times. This isn't to suggest that she wasn't funny - she just wasn't as endearing as the other characters in my book.

Number 4: Phoebe Buffay


It's probably starting to look like I'm a bit misogynistic but I promise you that I am not. It's my list, I'm gonna do what I want and this is how i feel.

Phoebe was funnier than the other two women and her stories were more compelling with her tough childhood and what not because as she explains, she didn't "have a flying pony or eat gold" the way that rest of her crew got to as children. She was also aloof, and I would be willing to bet there are some virtual signalers out there that would love to point out that pretty much all the women were on the show. Phoebe at least did so with conviction even when she would believe in the craziest things.

Number 3: Chandler Bing


Chandler was known primarily for 2 things: His constant sarcasm and his crippling insecurity. There are a lot of psychologists that suggest that these two characteristics go hand-in-hand in the real world and based on my own experience, that is true.

Although it was considered a high point in his involvement in the show, I personally found his romance with Monica to be a bit unbelievable, especially during the moments they had to get teary-eyed as they declared their love for one another. However, it was later revealed that Matthew Perry was struggling with drugs and alcohol at the time those episodes were filmed, and that may have played a part.

Number 2: Ross Gellar


Ross was hilarious to me because of the fact that while although he was technically a lot smarter than his friends, he had very little in the way of street smarts or toughness. He thinks he can use his intellect to get through any situation but this backfires on him constantly. He, just like Chandler, is filled with insecurities and this may stem from the fact that they were good buddies since college.

Mostly his appeal depended a lot on his interaction with Chandler and of course, with the person who tops our list.

Number 1: Joey Tribbiani


I'll admit that choosing these rankings was difficult for all spots other than this one. In my mind there is no contest here: Joey is the best character on the show. Whenever he is involved you can count on his ignorance of most things intellectual combined with his overpowering confidence to result in some big laughs.

Always prepared for a meal, Joey has one rule on dates "Joey doesn't share food!" Joey is the only person who didn't have a past with the rest of the group and simply met them by accidentally becoming Chandler's roommate. I really can't imagine this show without him and when I am recalling all of my favorite episodes, they almost always focused on Joey.

So what do you think? If you had to rank the Friends characters would you do it differently than me? When I look online there doesn't seem to be any consensus about "who is the best" so I'm expecting some different opinions here.


was going to say the same for #1 lol before i got to your #1.. thanksgiving pants is one of my favorite episodes..

"what do you got there? pie? just cut me a little sliver...little bigger...bigger...what are you afraid you're going to run out? cut me a real piece!"


lol, that thanksgiving episode was amazing. I can't eat in these jeans, they got no give!

so many great lines from that show i could go on for hours lol it's got that 'home' feeling to it!

Well one of my all time favorite series. I doubt that any series will be able to take that place from my pov. While yep, no doubt that #1 spot is taken by Joey ;) and same goes for 2 & 3 . While they sure added the spice to everything in the series and the ladies yep they sure made my time whenever I watched the series, even if that was an episode of friends.

lol laughing at Joeys humors was one of the best thing ;)

In the Prom, Some Girl ate Monica ;)

i go back and frequently watch old episodes even though i have seen them many times already. It just doesn't get old.

Joey: I don't know if i can write you a letter of recommendation, I don't know any big words
Ross: Just use a thesaurus
Joey: What did i just say?

Just like you ;) but Courtney was perfect for this role :) and I can still watch them and laughing like crazy 😁

very interesting, hopefully this ranking will be better

The 90's would NOT have been the 90's without this show hahaha!!! And agreed, they were ALL brilliant!! I think I agree with your ranking, except I miiiiight just swap the first to, having Rachel on top, but this is probably just because I am a huge Aniston fan! haha :) It was a little funny seeing this post now as I was watching old episodes of Friends on Friday afternoon.

Joey may be ranked last, but the show definitely benefited from his silly goofiness! haha

I think you might have misunderstood my rankings. I put Joey on top and Monica in last place 😂

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hahahaha!!! I did indeed! I blame the lunch I was eating at the time! It was a massively satisfying distraction :D

!giphy oops

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

When I first saw your post title I immediately had Ross down towards the bottom of my list. Then you had to throw out the Unagi meme and I remembered all of the funny stuff that he used to do. I think my top would probably be Chandler. Maybe because I could relate to him more at the time. Good stuff though! I don't find myself watching the reruns as much as I used to, but I can still pick up at any point and remember what is going on. My top three sitcoms are probably Friends, The Office, and Seinfeld in no particular order.

I am feeling really weird, but actually used to it to accept the fact that I haven't watched friends yet. and most of my friends go mad about it. I just need to renew my netflix subscription to watch the show.
I can feel it that Rachel is going to be my favorite.
anyways keep flourishing.

well you have a wonderful i think 240 episodes available to you pal. Just the best thing ever... kind of like when Bamboozled becomes the best game ever!


Thats a lot of episodes. I guess I have to spare out alot of time.
Anyways I will start it during upcoming holidays.

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Weird how they are still good to watch today and many other shows are not the same. Another show I go back and watch regularly is "Only Fools And Horses". I am sure you must have seen it which is a comedy series that went on for years about a dodgy trader from South East London. There are some episodes you have to watch like from Hull and Back.

Haha. Chandler holds my #1 spot :-)

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it was a tough call whether or not i was going to give him or Ross the number 2 spot. I had to make a choice. tenor.png

Good article. Though my list would be like this.
1 - Chandler
2 - Joey
3 - Pheobe
4 - Ross
5 - Monica
6 - Rachel

there are a lot of people that have the exact same list as you. It is really easy to understand any person's list, because all the characters have their own strengths and weaknesses. However, i think it is kind of undeniable that Rachel and Monica would never really make it to the top of anyone's list but you never know!

I would even put Jack and Judy before them. They played a little role but they were also very good!