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RE: ADSactly Comedy - Robin Williams

in #comedy6 years ago

I was also a follower of Robin Williams as a comedian, many times close in his performance to the tragicomic. It is well known that from Romanticism (the first mital of the 19th century) to the present day, the lives of great artists have been marked by internal, personal conflicts and torments. This is probably the case of Williams.
From the films you name I have among my favourites *Good morning, Vietnam", *The society of dead poets" and The King Fisherman. I would add Beyond Dreams, Insomnia and The Final Cut.
Robin Williams will always be an infallible reference. Thanks for your good post, @honeydue.


Yes, there are just so many great RW movies that are worth mentioning, but only so much space, as you well know :) You're right, it's tragic how many great minds are and were plagued by this internal torment and couldn't appreciate how talented they really were. Thank you for the comment, Jose!