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RE: Why Isn't Comedy Funny Anymore?

in #comedy7 years ago

Very true mam. Very few people out there I find funny these days as they all seem to be brainwashed by the left into using comedy as propaganda and these people are tossing their reputation right out the window.

The brain dead take a piss on all that is good political agenda is choking the life out of fun. I avoid all these comedians and the channels that support them all together. Take a crack at asses, take a poke at dicks or swing a cat at pussies, just don't be dull, comedy is my reprieve from the shit caused by stupid people, I don't need it repeated by some moron thinking it's funny.

Thanks Beth, you're a champ


I think it really hit me when Kathy Griffin went insane and did that bloody head spiel.

Like, it's something that someone on bath salts would have done.

Then she likened herself to gag/prop artists like Carrot Top and Gallagher.

Uh yeah, no.

Know what I'm saying. Nuts isn't funny, when will they get it?