A Bake Off Throw Down - Real Men Bake

in #comedy2 years ago

Ok... it's time for me to come clean.

After many years of hiding in the closet, living in denial and dodging reality.... I want to let everyone know.... I'm a baker!.

I wouldn't call myself a 'masterbaker' but I'm getting close.

But yeah, I'm a baker and proud. I'm a Bagels baking, bread-making king off the dough, I crush it daily with my forearm workouts. Kneading is no joke, and if you want to get ripped, torn and carved Bro... fck the Gym... because real men bake 😂

My forearms are jacked up like popeye from all the kneading.

I've even been known to make a cake now and then, and my banana bread once got me laid.

Ain't nothing a woman likes more than a man who can bake up a storm. Croissant, Crumpets... even the dreaded Sourdough, it's all in a days work for the 'masterbaker'.

I see a lot of posts on Hive about how pumped particular people are by their gym routines.

"Bro, lets get Alpha and do some kale shots with added protein powder."

"Bro, you create your own destiny by powering through life."

"Rip, eat, sleep, repeat bro!"

"Bro, I'm going to write a blog about my workout routine bro and make coin bro. Just follow me and copy what I do."

"Bro, I'm selling a lifestyle... join the gym, listen to trance music, trade bitcoin, and max out like me bro."


FFS Bro, I'm not buying the cliche you're selling.

Let's take a look at a selection of the worlds most 'carved with carbs', 'kick-ass kneading nutcases'.

If you wanna see a selection of Alpha males the likes of which will blow your minds, check out this bunch from the great British bake-off.

There you have it. If you watch the latest episode of TGBBO, you will learn that the best bakers are like Marines... they never get emotional.

It's not easy kneading a perfect dough, if it were... everyone would be doing it.

I tried to make a compilation video with footage featured in the gif above but YouTube threw a hissy fit saying it couldn't be shown in some countries due to its content.

Yes, you heard it here first... YouTube is blocking extreme baking footage now! What will be next? Basket weaving? Extreme Blaketing? Knitting for Beinners?... Surely, not bushcrafts Skills!

If there is a moral to this story it is that the pressure of making the perfect round choux pastry can cause even the strongest Alpha male to unravel. It ain't easy whisking bro!

I've been baking for years now - my abs and triceps are ripped to fck.

I've got a genuine 2 pack from doing sit-ups while munching on bagels and swilling it down with a lovely pint of lager... and as everyone knows... ain't nothing more gangster than 2 pac!

So, as 2Pac and Snoop are showing... you have to have bounce to your dough. If it ain't springing back when you poke on it, you knead to blaze a fat blunt, get your mind right, and Knead some more until that biach passes the window pane test 🤣

Thanks for reading 🙂🌿

All gifs used in this post were either created by me or ethically sourced from giphy.com. The picture is of me taken from my bagel-making post - BadBoyBaker - Bagels - Comedy Open Mic Round 4.

If you have enjoyed this satirical post, please check out some of my other comedic posts listed below.


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Comedy Open Mic Round 15 - Getting Your Priorities Straight, Football Over Family

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This was a funny one :)
I salute you master baker!

Lol 🤣

I suspect that you're the only people who read this post who 'got' the word play.

I beleive that many a baker out there,
more than you might think, to be fair...
are masters of the flour-y art
many a master baker inhabit this world of ours.

That's the best I got off the cuff.

Thanks for checking out my post, and that it inspired a few chuckles Lads 😂

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Baking is good for the soul !PIMP

Posted via pimp.media

You must be killin' it out here!
5.000 PIMP@biglove just slapped you with , @raj808.
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They're getting a workout and slapped 2/4 possible people today.


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For sure, I love baking, and any cooking really, is very meditative, you're right 🙂

Thanks for reading my post, I'm glad it inspired a few chuckles 🤣

Baking is great, but only when you know of to bake !lolz

Why was an insomniac shot by the police?
He was resisting a rest.

Credit: reddit



@raj808, I sent you an on behalf of @memess.fun

Yes, it is important to be a master baker 😂

Thanks for reading my post, I'm glad it inspired a few chuckles 🤣

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I knew it! now go get me some cake....

I baked cinnamon rolls yesterday, not perfect but with a cup of coffee, still nice :)LOL, this was a fun read @raj808


You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@thisismylife just slapped you with , @raj808.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District