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RE: comedy open mic - round 12 How to have a perfect marriage

in #comedyopenmic7 years ago (edited)

I finally got the chance to loop around. What a good laugh. Good thing I’m in the car grabbing a bite to eat while out running errands. I nearly spat out my coffee with the hysterics and tears out of my eyes.

I feel your pain DC. Even from being on the other side, I feel the pain. Literally, I had the experience of delivering those chipotle sized burritos.


I hear that the pain of child birth is comparable with what us men go through when we get the "man flu" . I feel your pain.

No idea what the man flu is and I probably don’t want to find out. Congrats Mr. Court Jester!! So happy for you. See what happens when you take time to write something from the heart. 😂

Wait wait wait. First you didn't know what a helicopter mom was and NOW you don't know what the man flu is. ? Are you sure you are not a bot?

I’m not cool like that. All pretense. 😎🤓

And thanks on the Congrats. I really do like the Comedy open mic crowd. They are good folks.

Yeah they are good peeps.

Ahh lol. Yeah you guys always seem to have the man flu, especially when it’s a gathering you don’t want to attend.

Have a beautiful Sat! Don’t be getting any man flu this weekend for Mother’s Day.

I have had a sinus infection for about a week or so now. I always get it in the spring do to alergies and the plates in my forehead make it worse. It is a dumb ass process. the doctors won't do anything till i have had it for 2 weeks before they prescribe antibiotics. I screwed up and didn't load up on alergy medicine. sometimes if i hit it before hand i can avoid it by staying super doped up on allergy meds but i didn't get it right this year. Nothing like having a nose bleed once or twice a day. Such is life.

That really sucks. I feel for those with allergies and sinus problems. You can’t breathe the fresh Spring air. I will enjoy the fresh air on your behalf.

Hang in there until you get those antibiotics. Two weeks is way too long. There is a doc here that prescribe antibiotics like candy. Lol, I stopped taking my family there.

me and my oldest are going up to get momma flowers and an apointment to get her nails and stuff done for a mothers day present. Hope she likes it or i will be walking around with some sexy white tip nails.

Aww that’s sweet. I’m sure she will. I don’t flash sexy white tips around too often but nice to be pampered.