Support @comedyopenmic
7 years ago in #comedyopenmic by berniesanders (77)
- Past Payouts $821.76
- - Author $669.51
- - Curators $152.26
431 votes
- upme: $152.46
- appreciator: $150.89
- rocky1: $144.02
- buildawhale: $138.11
- smartsteem: $136.08
- nextgencrypto: $21.42
- thecyclist: $17.29
- geoffrey: $12.48
- comedyopenmic: $11.03
- beanz: -$10.81
- abusereports: $6.48
- nonameslefttouse: $5.56
- ngc: $4.87
- dj123: $4.02
- thedelegator: $3.14
- yougotflagged: $3.08
- steemservices: $2.73
- stephencurry: $2.19
- take5: $1.24
- berniesanders: $1.09
- and 411 more
Thank you @berniesanders for your early support of PlankTown also. Much appreciated. @thebugiq
Thanks for the endorsement and well placed may I add. Obviously I’m a little bias. But really the comedy quality is in a continuous improvement we got people joining steem it specifically for it. And as we speak they’re making reddit account to attract more people into steem it. There’s a huge non-stop effort being created to add new comedians in and make sure they deliver. They also care at personal note. @idikuci for example, has been so attentive with everyone that the moment I was slowing my posts due to IRL stuff he noticed and helped me both in listening AND the man wired me 160SBD so I fix those things and work on my comedy showing me belief and support I’ve never seen before even from my own family. @dj123 has been attentive and helping me securing my account and also gave out some money. I could even talk about @diebitch and @take5 and how helpful they are in making sure I don’t miss out on opportunities or not have the fact that English being my second language hold me back. I could go on and on but the main point is COM is a community before all a very close community that is aimed at helping each other reaching their full potential. Honestly this post has made my day because of how many little guys will be benefiting from this. So thanks for this.
Our COMmunity works everyday on providing and supporting original comedy contents and were even starting a new #comedyschool aimed to help starting comedians improve their sets and make a living. So for that I say thanks. On behalf of everyone at COM and whoever is joining us next.
And more!
On joining Steemit, i almost got deaf with the screaming of the word: commmunities! Never understoood what it meant till i jammed #comedyopenmic and the people who ran it.
Jesus, it might seem joky, but who taught me the act of upvoting others more than myself? ComedyOpenMic!
Who taught me how to engage in other people's contents without giving a flying fuck about if they throw you some upvotes or not? ComedyOpenMic!
It all seem like a band of jokers, shitting around steem blockchain, truth is if you still struggling to read up Steemit's whitepaper, quit and follow up #comedyopenmic instead. They represent the very point Ned's been trying to make.
And of course, rewards!
I am new to steemit and still trying to figure this out. I clicked on this link because I love comedy. Is there anyway to watch comedy videos or anything like that? I'm still not sure what all this is about. I don't completely understand it yet but I'm sure I will in time
Steemit is a site that allows blogs. Comedy Open Mic is a contest for comedy. If you want to see the entries and laugh a lot click on the link below
Love this Sir @berniesanders ... Because I love the group at #ComedyOpenMIC ... We have been working on some applications to help with the contests. Any devs will be more then welcomed!!!!
They are an amazing project and certainly deserve every support they can get! And don't forget @travelfeed as well ;)
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powered by blockchain
Excuse me for advertising. It is necessary to earn. I'll try to stop soon. :)
Give them a fellow. fagticipate on there contest.
Spawn more of them.
in the end, a butt-shake from Paco the Taco.
Just leaving these here. I heard some people like to laugh.
Ohhhh!!!!... That wasn't a typo bwahahah, I have to revoke my upvote then re upvote!!
@buttcoins That user name though, love it... Lmfao
yeah, we like the butt.
Submitted my first entry to openmic 10 today. We need more laughs in this world, happy to support them.
you made me spill my tea Muxxy. you've got the genes. keep ém coming!
Plotting my next one.
wifey will be so pissed. who cares? keep em coming!
w00t!!!! Thanks for joining us at #ComedyOpenMIC @gmuxx !! Love your mentality.
Much appreciated. It's a fun group. More importantly, they're working hard to make it happen.
Just be careful if one of them needs a place to sleep. They'll never leave. And you will never get the stains out.
Hey, In my defence, your cat was giving me "sexy eyes" all night
Stop slandering my family
Jesus louise's...
Artakush plays cat-sack in the bush...
its funny how you've done away with normal parlance. Maybe you could start the posts with - "plebs " or simply "obey".
today is Sunday. maybe Jehovah Witnesses got to uncle B.
He's your uncle? Cool!
Technically he's everyone's "Uncle"...
It's cos when you come home early from school your mum introduces you to "uncle" Bernie
Well great! You can never have too many uncles :) Also does this make @haejin an uncle fucker?
It means your uncle is a haejin fucker
If you love poetry about constipated dogs with bad shroom problems and need some solid life advice (like how to talk to women) I'd strongly recommend giving @comedyopenmic a visit.
Just make sure you don't leave your browser open on overnight or you'll get one of these:
Oh My, so many winners here
Sorry too old to upvote... Only laughs now.
Reasons to support/participate in @comedyopenmic contests:
Thanks for supporting a group with a great value of comedy and laugh. Being a part of it makes me smile everytime I come around!
Artakush preps his comedy stand up in the bush...
as long as you do it naked. nature loves art.
Art loves naked!
Artakush strips down in the bush...
get the comics written tho before touching yourself.
This is an amazing group! Its awesome to bring laughs and and humor to steemit!!
I knew, I knew you from somewhere...
Mr Jester Sir
I hide from time to time!
Behind a great contest, there are always people working to make things happen and COM is no exception.
Thanks Bernie for what you've done to help us !
We have been working on marketing COM on reddit and twitter. Our last week's jester joined from reddit solely to participate in our contest.
Here are some other great entries:
Thanks for your support!
Quiero aprovechar este post para comentar las experiencias que he tenido en COM y quiero hacerlo en mi idioma... soy Venezolano y para nosotros los venezolanos el humor es algo que hacemos fácil, hace un tiempo me tropecé con este concurso y realicé una entrada en la primera ronda, recuerdo que @dj123 y @idikuci comentaron esa primera publicación que el concurso solo duraría 4 rondas y hoy ya vamos por la ronda 10, me alegra grandemente el crecimiento que ha tenido COM y me siento orgulloso de ser parte de todo esto, realmente me he sentido apoyado y escuchado en esta comunidad, los locos apoyan a los locos xD ... antes de conocer COM mi vida literalmente era un caos, pasaba mucha hambre, sin ningún tipo de apoyo para salir adelante. Realmente COM me ha salvado la vida y no solamente eso también me ha dado la oportunidad de proyectarme como comediante y expresar mis ideas cada semana con cada ronda... para nadie es un secreto que en mi país se vive un ambiente post apocalíptico y gracias al apoyo de COM las cosas son mas suaves y llevaderas... así que gracias a todos por apoyarme cada semana y ayudarme a crecer... asi que ¿necesitas más pruebas para ver que COM es la mejor comunidad de Steem? ... @betavirosis y yo (@jonsnoww) enviamos nuestras inmensas gratitudes desde venezuela...
From Google Translate in case you're like me and only speak non-spanish lanuages.
Jon is a really funny guy btw, for those of you struggling with getting any action, I can thoroguhly reccomend his sexual advice
Inclúyanme en este agradecimiento, para mi COM y COME fueron la luz al final del camino. Gracias, una vez más. Por cierto, yo tambien tengo dos semnas comiendo mejor, pude comprar las posturitas de gallina!!!
jejejeje... Siempre hay una luz al final del camino.
COM all the wayyyyyy..
to the moon, dragging steem.
So they host comedy contests? Can I freely choose what kind of post I want to make to participate (text,video,audio,picture)? I definitely like how their posts specifically state that they want people to upvote everyone involved (contestants, judges, etc). That's what really encourages a flourishing community surrounding the event/contests.
Yep, all mediums are accepted (as long as it's funny!) - you just have to get past the psychopath vibe some of the judges give off and you're all set!
Lol! Thanks!
Uncle @berniesanders I have followed @comedyopenmic. Now how can I make my entry?
Or don't you think I'm funny enough? I can crack a soldier up even on a battle field.
Hey @giving-girl thanks for the follow as well. I believe there is a list of what you need to do here by @ComedyOpenMic or just go to the page ... Can't wait to see what you got!
Done @berniesanders Showing some love......
Thank you. We like love.
That's the only way it's supposed to be...... @idikuci
Need more laughs in life. I will check them out tonight!
Fuck that. Do it now. Like right now.
Are you there yet? I don't see an upvote on my post by you.
Nobody fucking listens to me.
Clearly you need to be louder.
I try, but my capslock button is broken and nobody will sell me a new computer for $130 worth of Steem.
Fucking Staples assholes.
I just got to learn about comedyopenmic, this is going to be a good opportunity for me.
that's the spirit. Naija no dey carry last!
...and a (hefty) delegation too
Seriously, thanks for this. I'm glad you're taking this up.
OK. I go immediately to the proposal
I wish though that supports everyone's like you :)
You support talent! maybe one day you stop by my page. maybe there are things you might like
joining the band is a good way to start. show us some funnies Arty.
No offense, but there are very, very few people whose pages I actually read...
now it's real great seeing you supporting @comedyopenmic.. The fast rising comedy arena on steemit
dragging steem by the ass, to the moon!
Right on it
Holy fuck @berniesanders. Congrats on going up to -16. That's huge. Here, have half a penny from me.
When you're done spending that, get back to me. My voting strength should be back up over 80% by then.
Many SBD are distributed.
Community #comedyopenmic always share laughter and happy. I have joined in #comedyopenmic
I will be very happy to follow them. I really want to laugh over here.
Thank God the price of steem is not falling again. I need to be happy with comedy
Check out the tag #comedyopenmic, lots of comedy there to make you laugh already.
lol, life is funny regardless... pain is usually the funniest. But lets all heal together (weird quote lol)
I'm done. I've just followed them. Thanks for informing me
Wow I can't hesitate to follow them if so☺
Let me go and find out about comedyopenmic.
Right now, I don't think there is a blog that's worths my devoted time like @comedyopenmic
Am a lover of jokes a comedies and am gonna make that blog my home here on steemit.
Enter our contest, have some fun with us :)
The blog @comedyopenmic is already hot.
Thanks for sharing. This is a good initiative. I'm following them now.
wow, comedy mic, that sounds interesting, let me go and check it out. even from the name i know it will be fun there.
Kikikkikikikikiki ready to laff off my data subscription. Hehehe especially now that my boss bernie is supporting the mic.
Okay.... Let's go there!!
Very nice...contest sounds cool:) will give it a trail...yayyy!!! Going to be fun:)
Followed them. We need more laughter here in Steemit and the world :)
Absolutely. Even better, join the contest and put more laughter into the world. Help us make the world a little bit happier.
Thank you. I will surely join if I come up with something. :)
Are you for real???? I can't wait to be cracked up!
@comedyopenmic welcome your new follower.
Check out the tag there's a lot of entries there already.
Haha if Bernie recommends then it's super funExtra . See me there ASAP.
Sure let's all go show them some support
they are doing a good job.
If only i could undertand spanish xD
We have Spanish and English contests running in parallel.
We're up to Round 10 with #comedyopenmic and Round 2 with #comedyopenmicespanol
I'm new here on steemit but I do love comedy so I think I should follow them.
Thanks for the info
If you love comedy, then you should see when my cat jumps off the top of the kitty condo onto my balls.
My wife tells me it's the funniest thing she's ever seen.
Hold your cell phone strong. The laugh is endless
So after following them, will we enjoy their comedies?
Absolutely. There are so many comedies. I nearly shat myself once. Luckily it was just gas, but it came close.
Nope, it was definitely shit. I told you not to drink in the morning.
Now go clean yourself up; you have a contest to run.
Are their commedies funny enough?
Anyways I will check them out
A trial will convince you. Check out their blog now.
You will laugh off your cell phone
These are the winners for the latest round
If you aren't convinced it's funny enough then enter the contest and give it your best. The 45SBD prize for Jester is up for grabs.
Wawoooo really appreciated this group @berniesanders, almost our family like to fun and spreading the smiles on our faces... Nice post
It will be more funny to me. Now i go to @comedyopenmic.
Awesome post. Thanks @koh for telling me about the discord group and the great contests!
Pls would love to join the discord channel and have more fun there. @Comedyopenmic all the way
Cool and thanks for the invite @thankgodikkc