I saw this video last night about a group of student in South Africa
As it is from 2016, he might be a graduate. I agree with the student that they should reject all science and start from scratch. It might solve many problems if some people didn't have access to the internet, or electricity, or running water, or transportation, or cultivated food for about 3 days. I would be laughing if it wasn't so sad.
If I was the professor (?) who said "it wasn't true" I would have taken the opportunity to leave the meeting and headed for the farthest mountain top. I this is the current representation of educated people ... being a hermit is looking increasingly tempting.
Wow. That's insane. I didn't know that scientific laws only exist for the people who knew the scientists that discovered them. You should take a few to your mountaintop and toss them off, one at a time until they believe in gravity.
People forget that great things are accomplished by individuals not by races... although a camel might be a horse designed by a committee.