Oh please. These are the most important courses you'll ever take.
- Popular Culture: for all the aliens among us to learn how we operate as a society - a) to properly fit in, and b) to take over more easily.
- Nautical Archaeology: To find out if any alien ships crashed for us to examine, and to know what we're up against if we must flee underseas when the aliens take over.
- Canadian Studies: I could make a joke about the Canadians actually being aliens, but this comment has far too serious repercussions for such a thing. No, the Canadians are actually in league with the aliens, we may all be sent there when the aliens take over and assign the Canadians as our overlords. I might think that the Canadians were the only ones able to defend themselves, but come on, they're Canadians! also, I've intercepted multiple communications between them and the mother ship
- Astrobiology:
- Bagpiping: either to distract our new alien masters or to entertain them.
- Puppet Arts: yeah, that one's just for those weird, completely insane people among us. Wait a second... I'm weird and completely insane. How do I sign up?
This is golden, man! 😂 Spin this off into a full blown post as a rebuttal entry! 😁