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RE: Comedy Open Mic Round # 24 - Better Late Than...

in #comedyopenmic7 years ago

Hahaha!! See, that's irony right there! If you ever question why we are kins cut from the same cloth, look to this post-comment combo.

As a fellow runner, I respect your decision, matey-mber. Only those who know when to run away are those who reach their destination....'s opposite end.


Only those who know when to run away are those who reach their destination....'s opposite end.

RoFL! But if you approach from an unexpected direction they'll never see you coming and then you can SURPRISE ATTACK. Is that what we're meant to be doing?

I'm really just awful at competitions, anything here with contest or competition in it I immediately disappear, the only times I've ever gone into any was when specifically asked by the person doing the competition to help get it going, and then it was pretty much favour for a friend to help kickstart their comps and then I bailed like the coward I am after XD

If you're running around in a circle, then yes. But, since time is a flat circle, then it is as it should be!

I totally understand it, bud. I'm actually the same way! If I would join every competition here I'll be spent! Spent, I tells ya!! No worries about running away from this one, we don't always catch every pokemon we throw our balls at, after all.

Considering how many comps there are yes you would be XD

Ergh on the not catching every pokemon we throw balls at front, the worst one I ever had was "wild magikarp fled". Magikarp. Fled. On the bright side I can't really fail any harder than that XD

What!? I consider that an achievement! Magikarp is probably the easiest to catch, so having one flee is a huge accomplishment! Such a rare feat, buderoo!

Oh trust me after I stopped laughing I told everyone on my PoGo chat about it XD

Hahaha! Oh Magikarp... such a treasure trove of hilarity!