Comedy Open Mic Comedy Contest - Round 18 - I want real food

in #comedyopenmic7 years ago

Ok, ok! Here we go again with another round of the Comedy Open Mic.

Thanks to @comedyopenmic and the judges of this round @profanereviews @anouk.nox @pangoli @holybranches @amirtheawesome1 @sisygoboom @moh @kkkkkl for making this possible.

Here I leave my entry:


This is what happens when the girls are upset and do not want to give us food hahaha.

You can also participate by entering here

My nominees for this week are @leal and @ragnar29


Clearly we need more food not less food.

Best. Diet. Ever.

Always more food is better
Food = Love ;)

What is this word diet?? What are its etymology and purpose?

What interesting questions but at the same time so difficult to answer