“Errrmmm.” I fingered the microphone with my stupid furry paw. If only I had opposable thumbs. I cleared my throat. “Captain Planet reporting in with a...status report.”
“Uh, I was just about to.” My paw slipped off the tiny microphone button again and then back on. “Give me a second—” Off again. Dang it.
(story preview only)
writing contest, the source post of which is a great read on its own.
This story was inspired by @whatsup's I'm also offering this for Comedy Open Mic Round 12. As such, I suggest @aksounder and @therosepatch join in before the deadline curtain falls.

Title image by @negativer using Canva and image from Pexels.
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A great community of writers there, helping each other get better at what they enjoy doing.
I laughed the whole time! Thanks @negativer loved the curious nature to it too.
Always glad to make a fellow writer laugh :) Thanks for reading!
hahahahahaha!!!!! I loved it!!! Giggled from beginning to end!!!! :) I could see this as an actual skit on one of those comedy shtick shows ;) very clever and tickled my funny bone hehehe
If your funny bone was tickled, then my mission is complete. Beam me up, Scotty.
I love it! Great entry and good luck!
Thanks for reading! :)
Oh my god, what if this is actually what they all do. We probably deserve a good nuking!
Dang. Now I'm probably going to second-guess myself every time I squish a cockroach.
Alternative title ... how macro shots killed the world.
This was hilarious, Neg:) Really, really funny:)
is it a macro or just a really close close-up?
fighting ensues, world ends
thx for reading! :)
Oh but you have inspired me ... check it out ...https://steemit.com/poetry/@prydefoltz/can-a-mouse-be-macro-day-66-of-the-100-days-of-poetry-d-pend-experimental-rhyme
Color me amused. You really nailed the frustration of an alien culture trying to understand people.
you are now colored...um...periwinkle
Thanks for reading! :)
Ack! Periwinkle is my only weakness. withers and weakens
The story made me laugh until I laughed loudly.
Thank you for sharing your laughter.
Thanks for reading!
You are welcome