Over at The Writers Block, in the dark, dusty corners and chambers lit by flickering wicks we fling about bits of fiction all day, hoping they will randomly assemble into glorious constructs of prose. It's rare, but sometimes it actually happens.
This post does not illustrate one of those glorious moments, however.
Often enough, though, real life trouble dips its hoary head into our toils and we're forced to turn our attention to helping one of our members in resolving an issue in whatever way we can.
Yesterday, one of our editors was stricken with a minor problem.
A problem that only The Writer's Block could solve.
Iridium Dawn - Today at 12:34 PM
Shit! Just got a message from my wife saying, "Takeaway for anniversary dinner?"
Iridium Dawn - Today at 12:40 PM
Crap. Now the kids are texting me too...
bex-dk the story whisperer - Today at 12:50 PM
Write her a poem John! You're supposed to be a writer
Iridium Dawn - Yesterday at 12:56 PM
Yeah, Bex but I never claimed to be a poet. I don't think a limerick is gonna cut it. There was a young man from Benduckit...
Naturally, being the helpful soul that I am, I wanted to assist. I put my mental flint to the tinder of an idea and conjured up a flaming pile of lovesick poetry that would make John's wife melt in his arms. Once she got tired of slapping him, that is.
negativer - Today at 12:58 PM
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Stop texting me,
And tell our kids to stop too.
I hope he appreciates it.

Title image by @negativer using Canva and image from Pexels.
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Dang! I missed it! I totally could have helped out, @johnkingwriter.
There was a young man from Benducket
Who brought dinner home in a bucket.
”We love KFC!” said the children with glee,
While the wife said “Thanks, but go suck it.”
Okay, maybe it wouldn’t have rescued him from his plight, but a little levity may have been in order?
I feel your poetry may not be the ideal solution either :) I'm sure he appreciates your willingness to help though! Maybe he'll pick one of ours anyway. I'm sure he'll give us a status update...if he survives.
At least when he never returns online... we know who to blame! Thanks neg.
I can't top this!
Ha ha! So you actually have KFC in Scotland?
This was definitely amusing.
I think this would've made things even worse in coming from another :D
Now I want to see the poem he came up with. I trust he did.
Ha, thanks! I'm not sure he's able to compete with what's being dished out here.
Maybe he'll just get her a card and some chocolate.
You should tell him to send his wife that post of yours. That'd clearly do the trick!
Congrats on making it to top 10 of comedyopenmic
John@negativerStop calling Noby!!!
Thanks @diebitch!
I'm not calling Noby. She keeps contacting me. Via fax. She faxes me rude drawings all the time. Make her stop.
Oh goodness ... lol ... let me help:):):)
More this
less this ...
But...I love Weird Al. Less Al? No!
Just on your anniversary:):):)
I'm wondering now, how it all turned out for John... :D

I hope it's not too ominous when I say I haven't seen him online since that day...
Surely he's just happily enjoying his anniversary with his wife.
Sounds like a good plot for a "classic" Neg story.... ;)