I thought I would finally enter the comedy open mic since my cat has been so funny today. I will enter the comedy open mic for him. His name is Twinkie. This is his entry.
This comes from the beginning of my recording today for actually a different open mic contest, the music one by @luzcypher .. and is the beginning of what I was hoping to be a good attempt at recording a week 85 open mic entry. But my cat is just too funny to me. This attempt was a big fat fail.
This also it to put out here just so if you only know me through open mic, you can see here that I'm not permanently depressed. I do laugh heartily at times, especially when my cats are adorable.
My cat, Twinkie, ADORES this one pillow and will drag it all around the house with him. People never believe me when I say that, I can tell. But now I share the proof.
I hope you can laugh at Twinkie, too, and also realize that my kitty is so stinking adorable.
So here is his entry.
Thank you very much! I hope I have entered this the proper way, if not please let me know what I did wrong. Much love!
♥- Serena
I nominate @yidneth and @hedac to create a comedy open mic entry!
I see the cats behind you, it's funny, take care of your cat, give him a burger, because your cat can produce SBD.
We should all do a Steemit openmic outtakes competition. 😂
Yes, totally!!! :D
"Excuse my cat" #everymomeverywhere
This was fun. Thanks for posting it.
Welcome to #comedyopenmic
Glad you could join us in some fun :)
Message from the International Pillows Association "We are very worried about our pillow friend. We need current complete status report"
Adorable laugh ;)
That was great! That goofy cat though... :-)
your laugh is classic.
Aah, this is great! You really made me laugh, love the giggle at the end.
Cheers and enjoy your week! Looking forward to more cats and music.
Ha! So happy I made someone else laugh.. mission completion! My life is filled with (among other things) plenty of cats and music.. so should definitely be an endless supply of it forthcoming. ! ♥ Thank you!!
manh that last sentence read sideways for me.
you did well @paintingangels. just one more thing: nominate two steemians to join the contest.
BTW, Twinkie is so adorable ;)
Thanks so much !! Ahh and will do! :)
I love to see you laughing :) and yes Twinkie is so cute :). I think I may do the plush ratties as soon as I can :)
I hope you do!! That will be the most fabulous steemit post EVER! ♥♥♥
I feel like I've seen Twinkie in several videos and he is a star 😂
Yes, lol! I feel like in almost all of my vids either one or both of my cats are in them.. ( i have 2, twinkie who is in this video, and waffle who actually is on the cover picture wearing the glasses.. ha ha! Fake news! )
Omg your cat is hilarious.. he should have his own Steemit account.. 😜 a day in the life of Twinkie. Cats do the funniest thing.. my one has decided that hanging out in the kiddies teepee is fun.. but my youngest daughter gets jealous & kicks her out telling her “it’s mine!” 🤣 thanks for the giggle this morning. Xx