I'm like you bro! We must brother and sister of the same mother!
I don't finish anything, not even a plate of pasta.
I run away.
I don't do comedy, I tell story.
Anyway, you with the gif of napoleon dynamite, must watch my napoleon dynamite imitation, for shit and giggles, because we are not good at math, but we are good at dancing.
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Oh God, you freaking kill me! That was awesome, you should make a post of it!!
Right, I'll do it!
@dreemit just showed me this. I dam near pissed my pants! Great job...Vote Pedro!
HECK YES! That is freakin' awesome! You have slicker moves than Napoleon, even Pedro will vote for you. I mean, Uncle Rico surely would haha! Seriously though, you move so gracefully! Are you a natural dancer? I'm very impressed! I can't believe you did it move for move!
Other than the dancing skills, I do feel like we are sibs from the same nib. Brava!
Yes. I feel realized and rather satisfied.
Awesome! That's all I ever hope for.