Legal disclaimer: If you don't enjoy cringe/awkward comedy, I'd recommend not reading any further
This is my second entry to #comedyopenmic round 4
I nominate @caveman444 and @hidethepain
Pulling an all-nighter is now a weekly occurrence for me. Every couple of weeks, my brain goes into overdrive or I find myself unable to sleep due to external factors.
In this case, me and two other mates had been hitting the town and one had gotten so unbelievably drunk that he couldn't walk in a straight line. We tested this when we bumped into a guy and two girls who I was having a laugh with; I was explaining why we couldn't stay out.
"Josh, try to walk in a straight line on this curb."
One of the girls stood about 7 steps away to mark how far he had to walk.
The lad responded jokingly "Aye, you can have a shag off her if you make it to the end!"
Josh faceplanted after two steps.
Anyway, the night ended with him passing out in my bed and leaving me with the floor so I just killed time on steemit.
It's alright though, most of the time
Yesterday, when dealing with the sleep deprivation, I had to argue why phones are bad for you in front of a full lecture hall. We'd been split into teams. I was arguing for why phones pose a health risk, the others were doing relationships, social and economic effects. And to be honest, I dealt with it pretty well - I didn't particularly struggle and I didn't forget any information.
It's important to bear in mind though, that doing an all-nighter gives me the worst constipation. It felt like I was on the verge of soiling myself at any moment - and to add to my suffering, I was about to fall asleep stood up.
All there was left to do, was listen to the guy that had done the economic downsides of phones. I was only half listening.. until he started talking about why phones are fueling ISIS and terror. Obviously, this is a controversial topic - even if you'd never heard of ISIS before, you'd be able to tell it was taboo by the way the whole lecture theater squirmed in their seats. Naveed, the lecturer assessing us today was smiling away, thank fuck.
Now it was time for the questions. One guy, a friend of the group was asking all the questions. His last question was "You mentioned phones have an effect on ISIS, could you go into more detail on that for me."
I looked at the guy who'd said the ISIS line. He was looking at me. A mix of fear and confusion. My other team mate was also looking at me.
Guess I've been elected to answer this one huh?
So I did answer it, flawlessly. I avoided all the wrong words, I composed myself, and I answered his question even though that shit about ISIS was not my idea - it was beautifully handled (given the context).
"Excuse me"
He said as if i hadn't answered him properly.
"What are you talking about? I was asking about EYESIGHT."

Well, If nothing else you will be able to relive that moment for years to come, just before you go to sleep
And in your dreams
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get a double decker and say to all your guy friends who stay can sleep here if only i get to be on-top
👍👍- don't diarrhea in your sleep