Message 2 for the CometForce

in #cometforce4 months ago

👽 Message # 2 for the CometForce on SpaceShipEarth

The CometForce

is all the people on the planet who have decided in their minds that they want to MindLink with all the other people on the planet (SpaceShipEarth) that are MindMembers of the CometForce with mission to build the CometShield to save HumanKind from the next-coming killer comet that is coming.

David Baird Alias, Alien MindMembers of the CometForce on SpaceShipEarth with mission to build the CometShield to save HumanKind from the next-coming killer comet that is coming.

Remember the dinosaurs who were all killed off because they foolishly did not advance the rocket science that could have saved them?
