Blackhat Disinfo, Yes The Swamp Is Being Drained - Episode 1561b

in #comey6 years ago

Comey is caught up in a lie, and the entire fake Russian collusion and everything else is starting to fall apart, it is looking better and better for Flynn. Samantha Powers tweets her support for the White Helmets, this is not going over very well with the public who know the White Helmets is just another branch of the terrorists groups. Q board has been comprised by blackhats and spreading disinfo, Q shows the swamp is being drained.


Thanks again, Dave. Yeah, Gregory Mannarino is one of my favorites.

I love your choice of guests @x22report, @marketreport is on the ball...

So little posts from Q these days... Feels like calm before the storm!
Dave, as always, interesting perspective.

Thanks Dave,Good Spotlight report with Greg.

A thousand, thousand thank yous, Dave !!!
Yes. As Trump &/or Q knows 'everything' (presumably via the NSA &/or Wikileaks), this 'everything' undoubtedly includes whatever grand finale the Cabal has planned for our iminent genocidal demise, which means in turn that he/they may very well know how to prevent it from occurring. ...MAYBE.........
Sooooooo the nullifying of 'the small potatoes' near the bottom of barrel fortunately continues ......... B U T the network of global corporate control is SOOOO HUGE ........... including SERCO and the entire SES ...........
My bet is on 'them' having something not only truly massive but entirely new ...................
We're toast regardless if Dr Claudia Albers is correct in her assessment of the plethora & proximity of newly arrived stellar cores wrecking havoc in our inner solar system - courtesy of this invasion, our Sun is now nearly half its normal strength....................
'All' 'they' need to do to initiate the MOTHER OF ALL EVENTS is ground the chemtrail planes, turn off HARRP, switch of the several sun & moon simulators, and sit back and watch our Planet's ability to sustain all multicellular life, implode under a dying/already near dead, Sun..........
Dr Guy McPhearson predicts our extinction within just a few years AND HE DOESN'T EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE or give any credence to, the stellar invasion .............
For confirmation of this celestial horror go to Dr Albers youtube channel and also 'Universal News Media' for hundreds of real time PHOTOGRAPHS of these invaders as taken from Alaskan & Canadian weather cams........
Much love, Omniscient One..............

Hey, that's not what I voted for! That doesn't sound like the American Dream, learning to accept that better tomorrows may not come!

Swamp? The Federal Reserve is the swamp!, politicians are just swamp creatures, the bureaucracies are swamp flies, and the mainstream media just swamp leaches. It doesn't matter how many creatures or flies are eliminated, the swamp will just produce more. The federal reserve is still in action, doing everything it has done for the last several decades; steal from the American people, create war and poverty, and maintain the status quo of those who rule, over those they claim to serve. That is why nothing has changed, and nothing will change until the federal reserve is eliminated. Everything else is just for show to keep you enslaved.
JFK files: only reason to keep secrets is to maintain power and control. Speaks to the true intention of the office of president. Trump was elected to stop the secrets not keep them. Everything is kept behind closed doors, they have the evidence on everything, but it will be kept from you unless it serves their interests.

No matter what is said , TRUMP only has to the end of the year to get some results we can measure , otherwise get ready for a full blown revolution . Q annon is suspected to be a MOSSAD psyop . The end of the year , thats it .