I guess I could...but he's gone now. I wonder what happened to him...
Maybe his consciousness was finally raised to a level far superior to ours and he just levitated right into another dimension that we can't even see with our feeble, primitive minds.
Ask @krnel. He knows all about that metaphysical stuff.
I guess I could...but he's gone now. I wonder what happened to him...
Maybe his consciousness was finally raised to a level far superior to ours and he just levitated right into another dimension that we can't even see with our feeble, primitive minds.
It was a really really good something and you should feel something proud. Please give yourself a hug and know that you are really something special.
OMG! Thank you so much! How much money can I redeem this for?
I have some of those golden shiny things too. I guess they are tokens for a reward-coin not released yet, but no one wants to buy them inexplicably