The Great Gen 13 Re-Read, Part X: That's 'X' As In 'indeX', Wankerboy!

in #comiclast year (edited)

It dawned on me that suggesting people dive into this series by forcing them to scroll back through months and months of content to find where I started posting is not the most effective way to on-board new readers. So for the sake of all six or so smooth-brains actively following me on this chronological journey through one of the most 90s-est comics to ever exist, I'm pinning this to the top of my blog so both you and I can find it easily.

You'll want this so you can start reading from the beginning or just find a particular issue.

I want this because I've already made a hash of things by missing some chronology that will be addressed later, and therefore when I do get around to writing them up, I'll need a place to index everything in proper sequence. This means if I post something out of order from when I should have, I can at least have it line up somewhere. Once I've written the post, it'll get hot-linked and updated here, and everything will be hunky-dory. Heck, I'm such a sweetheart, you could even bookmark it if that's the sort of thing you're into.

Don't go thinking I'm too nice, though. I'm still your mom's favorite boner donor.

Starting Out

Volume 1

Volume 2 (monthly series)

[More to come, this is just what's on the docket at the moment!]

Outside Continuity