Hello everyone!
There is no special theme I am following so far, I just make comics about stuff I am thinking of. I hope you like my work and I can make you giggle here and there.My name's Kevin and I am themeerkatguy or rather the creator of http://www.themeerkatguy.com, a small webcomic with jokes about... well, about everything I guess.
So yeah, here is my very first comic from my website, hope you enjoy:
I am glad about all kind of criticism I receive, so feel free to comment, compliment, insult, worship or whatever you feel like!
Thank you and bye!
I want to insult it, but I cant. It's good. I want to insult someone or something but everyone is so repulsively nice on this platform... I'm wondering if one somehow gets flagged for being an ass. It's niceness in a Twilight Zone kinda way. ~Cheers, I'll follow you to hell and back.
Thank you very much, mate!
I also recognized that the community in here is very nice and constructive.
I'm looking forward to share more of my stuff.
welcome to the club, themeerkatguy
Thank you, lopezdacruz. :)
Origional and funny content is hard to come by here. A lot of the jokes/ memes are just taken from other sources. Looking forward to seeing more :)
Thanks a lot!
I am also looking forward to publish my content within this community. :)