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RE: It's Mics. comics and illustrations Wednesday! (and an "exclusive" announcement)

in #comicbooks7 years ago

Damn man, you pack your posts full! Loved every bit! Awesome that you did some Archer & Armstrong stuff, I enjoyed that series.

Just imagine I inserted the “take my money” meme here regarding your upcoming collection.

And Steemit Exclusive SDCC Coverage!?! Yes please!


I got a gopro type camera for Xmas...might as well bring it along. To me the most interesting stuff goes on behind the scenes. Just the show floor the day before filled with crates and half assembled displays is fascinating. It's like a whole city is being built in two days.

BTW, I've been sticking the little banner at the end with the "resteem-follow-upvote". Think that's too much? I don't wanna be belligerent about looking for support, and people here seem to get it that concept anyways. I think it's a nice bookend but maybe not?

I think it looks great! I’ve gotta up my game. I’ve always drug my feet on my “branding.” I’d like to put together some similar custom banners, dividers, etc.