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RE: Literal Trolling...

in #comics6 years ago

Thank you SO MUCH for that elaborate answer. I will definitely start posting on ntopaz. I already realized and that steepshot is not as alive as I wished to. A pity, but I will start posting there and try to keep it up constantly.
It's true, I've not seen any replies until now, because I just logged in and was wondering what these new comments on my latest piece are.

I was less posting into #comics because it seems to be mainly such 3-4 panel comical comics and that's not really where I am with my works.

Thanks again, I will keep coming back at your reply while I decide how I will proceed with steem.


You’re very welcome! I’m happy to see it looks like you already got a bit more traction and interaction on your first couple nTopaz posts! Keep up the good work, you have some great art to share!