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RE: New crypto-comic illustration; first artwork of 2018!

in #comics7 years ago (edited)

Well this first page looks pretty awesome. I'm pretty sure this is what you were working on when you first tried that live streaming thing from Discord.

"dystopia cities with cold war style walls between the centralized and decentralized boroughs of England" I for one think this sounds amazing and I can't wait to see what comes of it and what you do with it from an art perspective.
I'm actually starting a comic on here as well for the steempunk-net game, so i'm pretty excited about that - i've never really done a "comic style" but i'm really looking forward to it! Seeing the art you post will be inspiring for me, i'm sure.


Yeah, @artistchristian! @mada and @lovejoy help walk me through this ridiculous sci-fi [...but not so far off] technologies like mesh grids and WiFi over light. All real things, just not implemented yet. We started talking about data lighthouses that erect high in the sky and the people that are locked in to the decentralized boroughs have to get line of site with the towers to download node data to secretly run witness servers underground. It's so much fun.

You definitely should. @bryan-imhoff and I are beginning an art shaming commitment. Weekly, we'll have to present the other person with a new page, character design or script. If either show up empty handed, we have to pay the other 50.000 STEEM. You should get in on this! High stakes at $5 STEEM, but you'll be damn sure to have work ready by the deadline! :P

The world you have created sounds amazing!

That sounds like a great plan actually! I would love to join you guys! (I mean I might regret it, but it's worth the risk!) Count me on your list and let me know when you're going to start. I'm actually in the process of powering down my previous account @allstarrunner to move the steem over to this account, so I'll be able to set aside some steem in case I have to pay up....but I don't plan on it ;)