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RE: Arsenic Lullaby - Demons and Disney disagree on politics?

in #comics5 years ago

Alright, so this is the real question: is Faust worth starting, story-wise? haha

But, for real, that's probably the best advice to give about most creative types. We're a bunch of fucking weirdos, stunted by lack of socialization. Even if we were outgoing before our careers got legs, we now have to basically stay in a hole for most of our waking lives, peering out at the rest of the world from between the blinds. And I love how you said 40 hours a week. Like we get those sweet 9-5 shifts anymore.


yeah...I was trying to keep things relatable by saying 40hrs. lol

lol. 60 to entire life makes us sound like we're violent criminals, doesn't it?