Ewoks #1 (May 1985) by Marvel Comics
"The Rainbow Bridge!" Wicket and Teebo embark on an epic quest to save the village. Written by David Manak, drawn by Warren Kremer and Marie Severin.
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Vintage Ads from 1993 - JOIN THE SUPER-HERO DREAM TEAM!
This may be the nerdiest thing I've ever said, but the panel placement is super clean. Almost Watchmen-esque in it's symmetry.
My recollection of quik was it had a sandy texture.
Be right back, barricading my home against the Get Along Gang.
Ewooks guau i here only showed a cartoon of ewooks and i enjoy a lot ok adventures ok weeket and their friends, i thought who created this great cartoon.
When i see when i were young and see the wars of galaxy, and i see the ewoks in the movie i see what this is the origen of this great cartoons.
Thanks for the great stories and cómic book.